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Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Lyin' Eyes

As soon as I heard that Glenn Beck was going blind, several thoughts raced through my head:

Among them:

-Good! Maybe there is a God after all.

-There has got to be a joke in there somewhere, especially when one considers the adage about performing a certain act of self-indulgence so much that it will lead to blindness.

-How will he see race now?

And said to myself: "Yo G2, there is a column here."

But Beck is an attention whore. And even though to put him in the limelight, I don't want to be an accomplice to any such crime.

But this march on Washington D.C. Saturday -- one where the stated reason is to "restore honor" but the real one is to taunt black America, much in the way Beck and Co. think Muslims are trying to taunt Christian America with the mosque near Ground Zero (I'm against it too, but more because of the place and time of the community center with mosque attached) -- is over the top.

Beck's ignorance should not be ignored. It should be addressed, head-on, and the backlash should drive him to his knees begging for mercy and forgiveness.

And none should be granted.

This is nothing less than a disgrace -- unless the honor being restored is the honor that was lost when the president before the current one did his damage.

That fact is so obvious that anyone should be able to see it.

Glenn Beck isn't going blind. He already is.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Doctor! Doctor!

It was as predictable as a Ryan Howard strikeout. Before the ink was even dry on my Aug. 22 column on gun control -- which was a desperate plea to keep our children safe from "tragic accidents" inside the home -- the gun nuts came out of their caves to give me grief.

While I'd love to answer each insane response with a dose of sanity, I can -- and will -- cut to the chase.

Watch "Bowling For Columbine" twice and call me in the morning ...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

You've Got To Hide Your Love Away

I know this country's history of religious tolerance -- despite some rough patches along the way -- is a right source of pride.

But we need to think with our heads, not our hearts, on this lingering wedge issue of the MCC (Muslim Community Center) at a site close enough to Ground Zero (sorry, AP, but I'm capitalizing it out of respect ... my blog, my rules) that it was severely damaged on 9/11.

While we must keep in mind that all Muslim are not terrorists, all of the terrorists -- at least the ones who paint a target on our backs -- are Muslims.