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Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Same Old Song

Since the mind the average right-wing loon only grasps so much, Newt Gingrich knew what he was doing when he tried to make himself relevant again by lambasting President Obama for apologizing for the burning of the Koran by U.S. servicemen (or women).
As the miscalculated Iraqi War reveals (people dying daily since we "freed" them), throwing a blanket over all of Islam is a dangerous game (witness the protests around the world, even from Muslims who didn't previously have an anti-West sentiment).
We are in Afghanistan, in part, to free the masses of the clutches of the anti-west, terror-minded Taliban.
If the Taliban had a flag -- and I'm sure they do -- there would be no apology for burning it or turning into a role toilet paper.
Burning anything else Taliban related -- assuming it was not something needed to intelligence -- there would be nary a peep from the White House.
Burning the Koran is different. Obama knows it, and so does Gingrich.
Gingrich also knows how to sing a lullaby to his base; how to lead his choir in a nonsensical hymn.
For that, he should apologize.
Obama? I think the proof is in the pudding.
When it comes to dealing with radical Islam, he has made no apologies.


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