Cat Scratch Fever
But I missed the Tuesday fun, instead catching the beginning of the Laura Ingraham Show.
Unlike Ms. Mossie, who disses and dismisses Maher and Moore without listening and watching, I stay tuned.
Ingraham was almost entertaining, I'll give her that. And she was mean-spirited, just as much -- if not more -- than some of my guys on the left.
While it's scary in the sense that she is knowingly preaching to a choir with a laughable limited vocal range, therefore adding fuel to their fire, I defend her right to ramble.
But I never -- ever -- want to hear people like Lisa running to the principal's office about the boys on the school bus, let alone little old me in my column.
The truth is that tea bagger meant one thing and now, because of the Tea Party gangsters, it means another in the broader perspective.
Get over it.
I defend you rignt to argue like a twelve year old boy. Keep it up if you think its effective. And don't make the mistake of equating getting my attention with being an effective debater. Your little gallery of sycophants on this blog is hardly evidence of anything more than preaching to the choir either.
You know, our phone lines are always open. You can always engage if you feel up to it.
YOUR phone lines are always open, Lisa? LOL!
You bought into the rhetoric but I don't think you bought into a share on the station.
It's cute that you feel such ownership of it.
You go, girl.
You defend Gordon's right to argue like a "12-year-old boy"?
Way to rise above it, you poor sad and lonely little girl.
How old does that make you?
He said himself that both sides were being juvenile (remember all the Hussein Obama talk, followed by the geeky chuckles?).
He seemed to admit that he was just playing the game at recess, having some fun with it here and there.
I suppose you think you are the only one with a right to pick and choose.
You really are pathetic.
And so is that Laura person!
Dude, you blew it.
All your blogs are song titles.
Get your tush back in the time machine to the Luke and Laura Days on General Hospital. When Laura was supposedly dead, they used to play this song by the "Sailing" guy (Christoper Somebody?) called "Think of Laura."
I think it was:
"Think of Laura. Laugh, don't cry."
That's what you have to do with Laura Ingraham.
I listened to her once, to be open-minded and maybe amused (the same as you) and she was too obnoxious for words with the different voices and the banging on the table.
It's probably only with one hand because she is shackled to the rest of the chair in the studio of whatever nuthouse she is in.
WFYL is merely a roid on the butt of the free radio dial. I wouldn't worry about it.
And Lisa Mossie? You are yesterday's news, my lady. Get over yourself.
I personally prefer WNPV in Lansdale to WFYL. At least that station doesn't change formats every other week.
LOL! Very true.
Then what would Lisa do?
She would be out in the cold looking for a new venue to spread her venom.
Hey Lisa, liked your column in The Herald this week.
Oh yeah, that's right, they have the old heave-ho.
Nothing drives coments on the Times Herald like the mention of my name, eh Gordon? Say the magic words and they respond just like Pavlov's dogs at the dinner bell.
Speaking of dishing it out and not being able to take it, how's that Libya column coming along?
Memo to Lisa,
Gordon had a Libya column several weeks ago. Quite good.
Had the misfortune of listening to an 11-year-old boy on the radio this morning named Barry. This guy spent 10 to 15 minutes playing little recordings mock the president and Nancy Pelosi while adding zero insight. I was hoping to hear Mossie but I guess she had to take her broom in for service. She would have at least been more interesting, in her own special twisted way, than this guy. I changed channels after a few minutes. It was one step beyond ridiculous.
Name the song and that guy will dance to it. We all know who signs his paychecks.
More of the same today, during the five minutes I could stomach. Lisa telling tales about her sister bleeding from her head (perhaps a metaphor for what the WFYL listeners are enduring) and Barry playing along while giving the time every 30 seconds.
Cecil, thanks for listening!
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