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Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.

Monday, January 31, 2011


A few years back, as The Times Herald softball squad took warm-ups in preparation for the first of what would become a semi-annual softball game against the entire municipality of Norristown, I started hearing the taunts from the opposing dugout at Latshaw-McCarthy Field.

Cops, firefighters, municipal workers and assorted other all-stars began calling me "Fosse."

And I knew what they meant.

And hoped they weren't serious.

I was The Team Times Herald catcher -- better to take that pounding than to have to actually run around (to the tune of "Everybody Plays the Fool" by the Main Ingredient) in the outfield -- the reference was to Ray Fosse, the catcher Pete Rose plowed over, and injured, in the 1970 all-star game.

Maye Rose got a little carried away (or maybe he made a bet with someone that he would plow over the catcher if he got the chance), but it showed that those selected to participate in all-star games did so with a little more passion than today.

The Pro Bowl this past Sunday, which ended on a multi-lateral touchdown with indifferent attempts at tackling, was nothing less than a farce.

The NHL game, also "played" Sunday, wasn't different than the figure skating competition I was forced against my will ("Daddy, please" always gets me) Saturday night. It ended with a laughable final score of 11-10.

The NBA game is next, and expect more of the same.

By default, the baseball game is still somewhat pure. There will be no more running over the catcher, brush-back pitches and take-out slides at second base. But pitchers are still trying to batters out and fielders have no reason to let the ball drop (although crashing into the wall may also be off the table).

So the question is this: Are the devalued all-star games a symptom of a larger societal ill, or are the athletes just more savvy?


Anonymous Ross said...

For once I agree with you. Don't get used to it lefty.

January 31, 2011 at 10:48 AM 
Anonymous Baseball Guy said...

I remember that well. It was in the 12th inning (hit by Jim Hickman, I believe) and the winning run. If that had not been the situation, I don't know if Charlie Hustle would have done that (not even on a bet LOL).
All-Star games are a joke now, starting with letting the fans vote and ending with the games themselves.
The worst part are the bonuses these guys get for being picked.

January 31, 2011 at 10:57 AM 
Anonymous GIZZY said...

Man, I wish I played in that game. I would have knocked your liberal butt into next week!

February 1, 2011 at 9:39 AM 

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