There she was, thrown to the pavement by a Republican in a checkered shirt. Another Republican thrusts his foot in between her legs and presses down with all his weight to pin her to the curb. Then a Republican leader comes over and viciously stomps on her head with his foot. You hear her glasses crunch under the pressure. Holding her head down with his foot, he applies more force so she can't move. Her skull and brain are now suffering a concussion.
The young woman’s name is Lauren Valle, but she is really all of us. For come this Tuesday, the right wing -- and the wealthy who back them -- plan to take their collective boot and bring it down hard on not just the head of Barack Obama but on the heads of everyone they simply don't like.
Teachers union? The boot!
Muslim-looking people? The boot!
Thinking of retiring soon? The boot!
Living in a house you can no longer afford? The boot!
Doing a bit better with your minimum wage? The boot!
Stem cell research, the bullet train, reversing global warming? Ha! The boot for all of you!
What? You like your kids being covered by your health plan ‘til they're 26? The boot for them and the boot for you!
In love with someone of your own gender? A double boot up the ass for every single one of you sick SOBs!
Hoping there's a few jobs left here in the U.S. when you graduate? How 'bout just a nice boot to your head instead?
And most importantly, the last boot is saved for the black man who probably wasn't born here, definitely isn't a Christian and possibly might be the Antichrist sent here to oversee the destruction of our very way of life. A boot to your head, Obama-devil!
Yes, one big boot is poised to stomp out whatever hopey-changey thing we might have had two years ago and secure this country in the hands of the oligarchs and the culture police.
And if they win on Tuesday, they plan to show no mercy. They will not speak of bipartisanship or olive branches or tolerate any filibuster threats. They will come in and do the job with a mandate they'll perceive the electorate will have given them. They will not fart around for two years like the Democrats did. They will not "search for compromise" or "find middle ground." They will not meet you halfway on the playing field. They know that touchdowns aren't scored at the 50-yard line. Unlike our guys, they're not stupid or spineless.
Make no mistake about it, my friends. A perfect storm has gathered of racists, homophobes, corporatists and born agains and they are on fire. Two years of a black man who secretly holds socialist beliefs being the boss of them is more than they can stomach. They've been sick to death since the night of 11/04/08 and they are ready to purge. They won't need a rope and tree this time to effect the change they seek (why bother when a nice shoe on another's skull will do just fine, thank you).
They simply need to get their base to the polls (done), convince enough people Obama is responsible for the fact they don't have a job or a secure home (done), and then hope enough of us Obama-voters are so frustrated, disappointed and downright mad at the Dems (done) that we'll either stay home Tuesday or, if we vote, we won't be carpooling with 10 others to the polls.
Done? Or not?
These Republicans mean business. Their boots are all shined and ready. But they've got one huge problem:
The majority of Americans don't agree with them.
The majority want the troops home. The majority want true universal health coverage. The majority want the thievery on Wall Street to be stopped. The majority believe that global warming is happening, that social security shouldn't be privatized and that unions are a good thing.
Too bad the majority party has done precious little to bring about the change for which the majority voted. Yes, change takes time. But try telling that to someone who hasn't worked in two years. Or who hears the knock of the foreclosure sheriff at the door. The booted-up minority knows how to make hay in a situation like this. All they need is us, the disappointed, dismayed, disgusted us.
What say you? Stay home and punish the weak-kneed, sell-out Democrats? Or spend every free moment you have between now and Tuesday trying to protect what little progress has been made so we can live to fight another day (even if it is with “allies” like a Democratic Party that will more than likely still not get the message of what they need to do -- and has, in fact, spent much of the past two years giving progressives the boot)? Perhaps our job, post-election, is to provide a gentle but swift boot in the bee-hind of the party whose mascot is an ass.
Right now, we've got 112 hours. Seems like enough.
Michael Moore
Gee thanks. Just what I needed. More from Moore.
Didn't this guy eat himself to death yet?
Maybe, but it's your funeral.
Nope. Sorry.
For once we stupid conservatives get to say to you, "you just don't get it."
Otto ... sounds like a Germanic name.
Achtung! Achtung!
YOU don't get it!
LOL! Kimmy!
Otto, are you really Rich Iott?
Keep making jokes liberals. Who is goin to have the last laugh come Tuesday? It is we the 'real Americans' that Gordon likes to mock because we have values and ideals and are not Godless. We know there is something more important than ourselves. It is our country. That's what this is all about. Gordon, you can cry about the so-called common good all you want. Take that socialist bull to Cuba. See if that dog hunts there. This is America. Love it or leave it pal. Same goes for your fat friend Michael Moore and your man-made idol Bruce "Past my prime" Springsteen. I'm sick of you. We all are. Tuesday is a referendum on not only Obama, but all of you.
O yeah, it's Trent Lott, not Rich Lott!
Ross, Ross, Ross ...
It's Rich Iott (with an "I"). He's the Nazi TEA PARTY candidate in ... Iowa or Ohio ... some place like that where the corn stalks are high and the minds are small.
Did you take your meds this morning?
Kimmy, you got it going on today girl!
Yeah, isn't she great? Probably an unwed mother of eight about to cash in her welfare check so that she can go get a pedicure. That gives her plenty of time to perfect her low-class humor.
Well, I'm glad I sparked all this, despite the stupidity.
For the record, I'm a proud American of German descent. My grandfather fought the Nazis and my uncle died in the Pacific. Watch what you say please?
Now I'm due back on the planet earth. It's a beautiful fall day and there are leaves to be gathered. I'm going to enjoy the fresh air, unlike you Gordon. It'll clear my mind of thoughts of Michael Moore.
Beam me up, Scotty!
I'm a single mom and I work two jobs and go to school part-time. Any more questions, jerk?
My pedicure is hottt. Frosted plum right now. Want a sniff, Ross? I know you do!
You don't have to explain anything to him, Kimmy.
And I'd be glad to worship your feet.
That's OK Anon. Thanks for trying to charm me but I'll pass.
Just get out and vote Tuesday.
I have to go now also. It's Halloween and us working poor don't have many days like this with our kids.
The country is about to go to the dogs and this is all you people have to talk about??
at least they are talking!
Too late for talk.
even Gordon thinks so. He wrote about some woman leaving the paper instead of this sad day for America.
I guess he thinks some things are more important than what is out of his control.
Kimmy, get over yourself. I wasn't serious. We're fighting on the same side here.
It's cool, anon. I just had my bitch face on.
Hey, Kimmy ... maybe we'd take you more seriously if you called yourself Kim instead of Kimmy.
Yes, that was terrible what those big men did to that little lady. The one who had the audacity to ask HER to apologize hid his face. He said he couldn't bend down to hold her because of a medical condition. What a bunch of crock he and the teabaggers spew. Just typical of Paul, Angle, COD, and the rest. Hiding from the real questions, and having people handcuffed (Alaska), and stomped on in this case, putting out a Spanish speaking ad to tell people not to vote and planning on videotaping others to intimidate them. The repugs have already said that they will have their people tell the teabaggers what to do if they get elected. Saw COD shove and snap her fingers at her aid when she once again couldn't answer a simple question. Nothing but liars and evaders of the truth. Just like the guy using mules to not pay taxes and saying that the loopholes are there for people like him. Only the little people pay taxes...
Anonymous Jodina said...
Hey, Kimmy ... maybe we'd take you more seriously if you called yourself Kim instead of Kimmy.
October 31, 2010 8:15 PM
Hey jodina, maybe we'd take you more seriously if you had a real name and not one that was made up of who knows what? Just like Palin and her refudiate word.
My name is Kimberleigh, but when I was little I called myself Kimbi. From there it became Kimmy. Is that good enough for you? Oh please oh please, take me seriously now!
My parents named me Jodina. I was able to pronounce it fine, so that's what I go by now.
Hey, Kimmy, can't your parents spell?
Vote Tea Party!
Ladies, can we take this where it belongs -- to the wrestling ring?
I'm not a big fan of the Tea Party or MoveOn.org but the left is trying too hard to make this Lauren Valle a martyr. I don't know if she is on the up and up here.
Wait! The left has extremists too! I don't believe it!
Believe it.
None more than Michael Moore, whose rantings were posted here by another left-wing nutcase in Rabbi Glantz
OK, Erik (if that's your name), you're not an extremist? Why did you go out of your way to refer to Mr. Glantz's religion?
It shouldn't be about extremists but about those who get up each morning and go to work each day to make ends meet for our families.
So hard to believe no one on either side of this can see that basic concept and address it.
Health care reform was good. Give-away programs to people who don't try to be productive are not. There is a middle ground here.
No, you're not John Wayne, that's for sure. You think you're Bruce Springsteen. That's fine. Take your guitar and run along, like you were born to do, nobody wants to hear you anymore.
Erik is my name. Nothing meant by the Rabbi reference. Just havving some fun here.
Gordon is not Jewish. He has no faith. He is Godless.
Jodina. Hmmmm sounds like a contrived name to me. Like Lisa Mossie disguising herself in a cheap wig. Come out Lisa. Or is it Jodina?
Either way, your Viagra script for your hubby is ready!
First of all, I'm not Lisa Mossie. But thanks for the compliment. She was great. Too bad she was let go in favor of political correctness. A friend of a friend of a friend told me that was Stan Huskey and not Gordon Glantz who let let her go but I doubt that very much.
Second of all, I'm not married. I have never had a need for a husband.
Lastly, no man I would be with would need Viagra anyway. That would be Kimmy's men.
America will show its one and only true color come Tuesday.
Lilly white!
You all should take the time to read the words posted by Mr. Glantz from Mr. Moore. They're deep.
Be sleeping with one eye open on Monday night, brothers and sisters. They are about to stick the knife in on us again.
And speaking to Mr. Glantz being Godless, as you say. No man can write as beautifully about they child as he do and not have a force within him. I feel it from him Ross. I don't feel it from you.
lisa mossie is probably jodina in a very bad disguise, just like the moose patty herself, half-tasking governor who couldn't stand the heat and quit. looked your name up jodina and it's origins are Australian with no meaning for the word. sounds made up to me. jodina, are you from the penal colonies?
Kimmy is British and means from the Royal Forest Meadow. Nice name, Kimmy. Stick up for your rights!
Alaska Senate GOP candidate Joe Miller's security detail, Drop Zone Security Services, made headlines this week for detaining a journalist at a Miller campaign event. Now, several Alaska blogs reveal that the security company Miller hired is tied to an extremist militia group and didn't have a current business license.
William F. Fulton, the owner of Drop Zone, is a local commander and "supply sergeant" of the Alaska Citizens Militia, Palingates blog reported Wednesday. The blog identifies the militia's leader as Norm Olson, the man identified last year by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a "radical among radicals" who had founded the extreme Michigan Militia before setting up shop in Alaska. The center reports that Olson drew widespread attention for stating that Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols had attended a Michigan Militia meeting not long before the bombing.
teabagger Angle is now filing a suit against Reid about voter nonsense after the teabaggers put out a bounty on illegal voters and Angle told Hispanics that they looked a little Asian to her... Maybe she was saying Hispanics should adopt Asian names so they don't get harassed as illegals. Wonder what G.H.W. Bush's little brown ones (and the former president said that about his Florida grandkids) would do if confronted by Angle...
How funny and absolutely idiotic that there are anonymous posters criticizing other anonymous posters for their anonymity. Do you guys even read what you've written before you press submit?
And note well, Anonymous stalker: IP addresses are easily traced back to their source, sir. You are not nearly as "anonymous" as you think you are; even though you are too cowardly to sign your name to these posts, that doesn't mean your identity is unknown. In fact your consistent pathetic and incoherent writing style make it easy to spot and collect your posts in an evidence file. There are boundaries of appropriateness that you never seem to see, aren't there?
I ALWAYS post under my real name because if I can't sign my name to my opinion, it's not worth stating. Much like yours, Anonymous stalker, are not worth reading, or keeping posted, for that matter. But Gordon has lower standards for comments on his blog than I do.
And Jodina: your friend's friend is 100% correct.
jodina, paladino, similar?
Sharing what he learned in his run for the office, Paladino said: "You don’t want the media noticing you. It ain't pretty. And it sure ain't fair."
trixie signs real name under cartoon character. what's with the threats of tracking someone down by their ip address? I don't see anyone threatening anyone here, only insults and incoherent uttering from trixie.
posted on trixie's blog:
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How funny and absolutely idiotic that there are anonymous posters criticizing other anonymous posters for their anonymity. Do you guys even read what you've written before you press submit?
And note well, Anonymous stalker: IP addresses are easily traced back to their source, sir. You are not nearly as "anonymous" as you think you are; even though you are too cowardly to sign your name to these posts, that doesn't mean your identity is unknown. In fact your consistent pathetic and incoherent writing style make it easy to spot and collect your posts in an evidence file. There are boundaries of appropriateness that you never seem to see, aren't there?
I ALWAYS post under my real name because if I can't sign my name to my opinion, it's not worth stating. Much like yours, Anonymous stalker, are not worth reading, or keeping posted, for that matter. But Gordon has lower standards for comments on his blog than I do.
And Jodina: your friend's friend is 100% correct.
what a crock from a cartoon character. you preach voter intimidation and other bs like the other republicraps. got my boots on to step in your crap and move on, you racist b
November 3, 2010 8:34 PM
The views expressed on this blog are exclusively my own and are in no way representative of my employer nor should they be viewed as such. from trixie's blog... hope I can contact her new employer to tell them about her race baiting that got her removed from this paper.
posted on stan's blog, but he's too afraid to post it... montco ssdd same racist people voting against positive actions because a Black man had the nerve to run and get elected to the "white house". Your repugs and the teabaggers wanted to take it back from a Black Man because they can't stand it. Bet you won't post this because it is true. Can you and the teabaggers stand to look in the mirror? yes,b/c you don't think your s stinks.
Gordon. Yoohoo! Nothing to say, buddy?
I'm confused, Lisa. Was it Stan or Gordon?
Jodina: It was Stan. Even though Gordon and I don't even come close to seeing eye to eye politically, his journalistic integrity is impeccable.
little trixie is posting with her cartoon character, you know that one who caters to Speed Racer with her go SR go. "Trixie becomes jealous and arrogant if Speed is appalled or enthralled by another beautiful girl or when she is ignored or left alone." sounds like little lisa mossie who got kicked off the TH for baiting.
trust the newest nut in the teabagger contingent to lie...
Those numbers, according to Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann, are: $200 million a day, $2 billion total, 34 diverted Navy ships, a 2,000-person presidential entourage, and 870 hotel rooms in India.
"And these are five-star hotel rooms at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel," Bachmann told CNN's "AC 360" Wednesday night.
Pressed by Cooper to back up her numbers, Bachmann said, "These are the numbers that are coming out in the press."
The press she was referring to is the Press Trust of India, one of the largest news organizations in that country. Its source for Tuesday's article on the cost of Obama's trip was based on a single anonymous source: "a top official of the Maharashtra government privy to the arrangements for the high-profile visit."
The Press Trust article was picked up by The Drudge Report and other sites online and quickly made its way into conservative talk radio, sparking outrage by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and others.
The White House and Pentagon have fielded questions about the Indian report and have dismissed the claims in the article.
"I will take the liberty this time of dismissing as absolutely absurd this notion that somehow we're deploying 10 percent of the Navy, some 34 ships and an aircraft carrier in support of the president's trip to Asia," Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell told reporters this week. "That's just comical. Nothing close to that is -- is -- being done."
While the exact cost of Obama's 10-day trip to Asia is not known to the public, an examination of similar presidential excursions in the past support the likelihood that the $200 million-a-day figure is exaggerated.
For example, an 11-day trip by then-President Bill Clinton to Africa in 1998 involved about 1,300 people cost $5.2 million a day, according to the federal Government Accountability Office, which adjusted for inflation.
Fox News says it isn't happening.
The network told Mediaite it has "no plans to hire her."
O'Donnell made Fox News her national media home during her campaign (as much as she did national media), following the advice of Palin, who advised her to "speak through Fox News." O'Donnell also reportedly boasted to Republicans that she had "Sean Hannity in [her] back pocket."
COD is also boasting of book deals, but there is nothing about any company offering her one. LOL
" Morabito bakery is making the droning and hissing noise again. I can't call the town since it's a Friday nite and they are closed, but will try to leave a message. Problem is that their voice mail doesn't always work. I can't belive a guy like Mike, who bought a 700,000 dollar house in Lansdale can't afford to fix his equipment. This wasn't here when I move here years ago, but that last year was the pits with a louder noise which was finally fixed, but they started up with this and people are threatening that we should shut up because they are a business. "
regarding Christine's excuses.
Stop whining, for goodness sake. Don't blame anybody else for your being such a weak, ill-informed candidate who lied about her education and could not even run her personal finances. Having the backing of the Republican Party (as well as Palin) didn't do Miller any good in AK - looks as though he was defeated by a write-in candidate (now that was a tough call).
Methinks you escaped from one of those genetic engineering laboratories you seem to know so much about - shame ;you ended up with a non-functioning mouse brain.
This is why a no-talent baby momma is still on DWTS. The grizzled bear momma has a website telling people how to vote.
(CNN) -George Bush's memoir only hit bookshelves Tuesday, but already one prominent ex-world leader says the former president isn't being truthful when it comes to his description of a 2002 conversation about the possible use of force in Iraq.
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, who left office in 2005, is disputing a passage in Bush's new book that claims Schroeder privately offered the president full-fledged support in 2002 should he decide to invade Iraq.
"The former American president is not telling the truth," Schroeder said Tuesday according to the German newspaper Der Spiegel.
In his new book Decision points, Bush writes that in a January 2002 White House meeting with Schroeder, the German leader said of possible force in Iraq: "What is true of Afghanistan is true of Iraq. Nations that sponsor terror must face consequences. If you make it fast and make it decisive, I will be with you."
Speaking Tuesday, Schroeder said the 2002 meeting was actually focused on the mere possibility former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had anything to do with the September 11 attacks, and said he made no unequivocal commitments
"Just as I did during my subsequent meetings with the American president, I made it clear that, should Iraq ... prove to have provided protection and hospitality to al Qaeda fighters, Germany would reliably stand beside the US," Schroeder said of his comments to the president. "This connection, however, as it became clear during 2002, was false and constructed."
funny how Stan the man,like Palin, don't mention the ones that failed, that she backed, and looking at how Stan
s latest support is for repugs. Palin's grizzled bear didn't mention Miller or Christine. Wonder why? Stan's buddy, the half tasking quitter of a governor doesn't have a clue. Here she is promoting cookies when a lot of children now have type 1 and type 2 diabetes. One was mentioned in a real newspaper as having this at 13 year old. But Stan supports the tea party when the repugs are running scared that Palin's head will blow up and she'll run for Pres in 2012. LOL, LOL, LOL...
times herald full of bull pucky is Open
410 Markley Norristown, Pa 19401
there may be good reporters, but stan huskey is a tabloid minded person, only a mouth piece for bruce caster and risa ferman. doesn't matter if they lose in court he had his minions report everything as if it is the truth
1 Person want this fixed
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It's a shame that Stan is promoting Republican Castor when his paper and other newspapers reported Castor getting a bookie and his gang off on probation and is defending them again.
Joe Mastronardo, the son-in-law of the late mayor of Philadelphia has been arrested together with his brother John and charged with conspiracy, gambling and running a corrupt organization, due to an illegal bookkeeping operation that they ran. Over $1 million was dug up by law enforcement in Mastronardo’s lawn in a recent raid. This is the second time in 4 years that Montgomery County authorities have arrested the Mastronardo brothers for running a sports betting operation. This is the fourth time the Mastronardo brothers have been arrested on gambling charges since 1983. They forfeited close to $3-million and received probation 4 years ago. Now, they are being held without bail for violating the terms of their probation and are looking at long jail terms. In a June 7 letter to the lawyers representing John V. and Joseph V. Mastronardo Jr., District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman addressed the brothers’ offers to waive their scheduled July 9 preliminary hearings on charges of corrupt organizations, pool selling, bookmaking and conspiracy. “That will not be necessary. As I indicated, federal authorities are preparing to adopt the case. There is no need to have a concurrent state prosecution moving forward,” Ferman wrote in the letter to defense lawyer Bruce L. Castor Jr., who represents the brothers. Castor included the letter as an exhibit in his petition seeking to have the charges dismissed against the Mastronardos.
Look what I started!
My only point was to not ready everything that Michael Moore writes you -- through Gordon.
Get an AK-47 when you buy a truck. Just right for Pennsyltucky and Kentucky.
Nations Trucks, located at 3700 S. Orlando Drive in Sanford, kicked off the promotion on Veterans Day.
General sales manager Nick Ginetta said the promotion will run until the end of the month. He said anyone who purchases a truck will receive a $400 voucher to a local gun store. He said customers will have to go through the application process and qualify under state and federal laws. Ginetta said any buyers who don't want a gun will be given cash.
Ginetta said he knows the promotion is controversial, but he believes it will bring in business -- and he said it's already working. At the close of business Thursday, he said the business had 47 appointments scheduled for Friday. Normally, he said there's only three.
Ginetta said he also believes it's a perfect Veterans Day promotion.
"We started on Veterans Day, saying, 'Hey, so many have given so much for this right,'" Ginetta said.
Phillip Adams, a veteran, said the promotion is a bad idea.
"An AK-47 is a very dangerous weapon," Adams said.
He said he'd rather they give customers a free flag with a pole to put up in their yard.
"That would be a lot more supportive for our country and our veterans," Adams said.
Ginetta said they are thinking about extending the promotion to the end of the year.
Senate Minority Leader sought withdrawal of troops from Iraq while excoriating Dems for 'cutting and running'...
If you had any doubt of the shamelessness of Republicans, the following report should end any such questions. MSNBC's Rachel Maddow details how, in 2006, at the exact same moment Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was publicly sliming Democrats for their push for a timeline for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, he was privately and directly requesting to George W. Bush that he remove troops in hopes of retaining control of the U.S. Congress in the run-up to the midterm elections.
Got that? McConnell was cynically, and hypocritically, accusing Dems of putting this nation at a national security risk for what he described as their interest in "cutting and running," "retreat," and "waving a white flag" in Iraq, even as he was privately pleading with Bush to bring troops home for purely --- and entirely --- partisan political reasons.
Here are some Bible verses that Pres. Obama avoids:
Proverbs 19:10 (NIV): "It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury - how much worse for a slave to rule over princes!"
Also Proverbs 30:22 (NIV) which says that the earth cannot bear up under "a servant who becomes king."
And Ecclesiastes 5:2-3 (KJV) advises: "let thy words be few...a fool's voice is known by multitude of words."
Although Obama is not descended from slaves, he may feel that he's destined to become a black-slavery avenger.
Or maybe an enslaver of all free citizens!
For more on the Obamas, Google "Michelle Obama's Allah-day" and "Obama Supports Public Depravity." For more on Pelosi, Google "Madam Nancy Pelosi's Brothel District." For more on Islam, Google "Prof. Dr. F. N. Lee's ISLAM IN THE BIBLE (PDF)."
[ran into above web bit - Robert]
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Here are some Bible verses that Pres. Obama avoids:
Proverbs 19:10 (NIV): "It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury - how much worse for a slave to rule over princes!"
Another teabagging racist at work here. Thinks he/she/it can read President Obama's mind as to what he reads or avoids in the Bible. Get a life and get over the fact that a Black man is in the White House. Focus on facts and not the fantasy that Palin feeds you.
Former President George W. Bush chuckled when an interviewer told him that half of Americans believe President Obama created the bank bailouts.
“Fifty percent of the people were wrong, ’cause it happened on my watch,” Bush said.
Exit polls from the midterm election showed that a significant number of voters wanted to punish Obama and Democratic candidates for the bailouts. That sentiment overlooks the timing of the government’s emergency action — Bush initiated the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program for Wall Street in September 2008.
Voters’ anger also ignores that Bush was right to take such unpopular steps as TARP and the auto bailouts. And lest anyone accuse this editorial page of writing positive things about Bush only after he left office, we credited him at the time with taking the necessary actions to avoid a broader economic meltdown.
Another fellow who supported the bank bailout was the new presumptive House speaker, Rep. John A. Boehner (R., Ohio).
Since autumn 2008, the economic rescue plans have largely proved their worth — especially TARP.
I agree. That person who is dreaming about Obama is not in their right mind. This country was re-founded on freedom of religious persecution. Explanation to the religious right, Freedom from religion! Able to be whatever you want to be. But as a descendant of the original people of this country, I wish those idiots who want to persecute others like the Inquisition and the Crusades, and the ones who persecuted Wiccans would get a brain, because they are obviously like the scarecrow in Oz looking for a brain.
Willow Palin, Sarah Palin's 16-year-old daughter, is in the news after using homophobic slurs in a Facebook exchange with a classmate who wasn't a fan of her mom's new reality show.
The gossip site TMZ reports that the episode began when "Tre," a boy who apparently went to school with the Palin clan, posted his thoughts on the family's reality show debut Sunday evening.
"Sarah Palin's Alaska, is failing so hard right now," he wrote on his Facebook wall.
According to the website, which has obtained screen shots of the exchange, the teenage daughter of the former Alaskan governor retaliated by calling the boy "gay" and a "f****t."
"Haha your so gay. I have no idea who you are, But what I've seen pictures of, your disgusting ... My sister had a kid and is still hot," Willow Palin apparently wrote on Facebook. "Tre stfu. Your such a f****t."
Then, Bristol Palin chimed in, too. "You're running your mouth just to talk s***," the 20-year-old "Dancing With the Stars" finalist told Tre. After more people began to criticize the new reality show, Bristol appears to have taken aim at another Facebook user by the name of "Jon," though she used no expletives this time.
"You'll be as successful as my baby daddy, And actually I do work my ass off," Bristol writes. "I've been a single mom for the last two years."
She's 16!
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh on Thursday suggested that Rep. Jim Clyburn — the highest-ranking African American in Congress — serve as chauffeur to Nancy Pelosi in the event he fails to win the race for House minority whip.
“Clyburn's worried about not having the perk of a big office, driver and so forth,” Limbaugh said on his radio show. “The way this can all be worked out, Clyburn's new position: 'Driving Miss Nancy.'
Anonymous Anonymous said...
She's 16!
November 19, 2010 8:58 AM
No excuse! And bristol is older and added the homophobic words to her facebook page. moose patty is spewing nonsense and not attending to her kids obviously. ROFL
Certain Fox News commentators better hope they don't run into their co-worker Sarah Palin in the network cafeteria, after being caught on live mics mocking the former Alaska governor's new reality show.
In a clip sure to make the Internet rounds, panelists Judith Miller and Liz Trotta are seen in a commercial break during the weekend program "Fox News Watch" giggling over negative reviews given the debut of "Sarah Palin's Alaska" on TLC.
Trotta, a conservative commentator, refers to a Palin article by The New York Times' Alessandra Stanley.
"Alessandra Stanley had the best line," Trotta says. "She said the new show is like 'The Sound of Music,' without the Nazis, without the romance, and without the music."
After the panel cracks up, Miller says she likes the review by Hank Stuever in The Washington Post, who opens his commentary with Palin screaming her husband's name.
"He said the sound of a voice when warning you to heed the bears -- would actually scare the bears," chortles Miller.
"Absolutely right. Absolutely right," Trotta laughs.
palin's cheaters boost bristol's cow plodding to the finals.
John Roach writes:Does Bristol Palin, the daughter of that politically powerful hockey mom from Alaska, have the best moves on "Dancing with the Stars"? Some critics say she's definitely improved as the season has progressed. But the judges consistently give her among the lowest marks -- meaning it's the people, the voters, who have kept her around for Monday night's finale.
And these voters, according to theories swirling on the Internet, appear to be politically motivated. Having Palin tear up the dance floor on national TV is considered a boost for the conservative Tea Party movement. To keep the votes coming in, the party is using social media effectively to rally the base behind the young Palin mom.
The campaign apparently includes exploitation of a loophole in ABC's e-mail voting feature. The loophole is explained as a technicality in the system that allows voters to register an infinite number of email addresses and vote, vote, vote. The e-mail addresses are never validated, such as what happens when you sign up for a Facebook or PayPal account.
"Lord have mercy, I voted for 3 hours online! I got 300 in," one Palin fan wrote in a comment on the HillBuzz blog, which is leading the charge on Bristol Palin's behalf.
1950s2america Says:
November 20, 2010 at 4:49 pm
Since ABC has a loophole and anyone can create as many fake e-mail accounts as they want, I made over 100 of them this past Monday. On the upcoming Monday, I will use ALL 100 fake e-mail account and ALL 500+ votes for Bristol. In fact, I might even “create” a few more fake ones.
Why not? I can stay up ALL night long and keep on voting. After all, there’s NOTHING the liberals or ABC can do about it. Hell, since the contest is winding down, we might as well admit it since everyone who tries to create the fake accounts actually CAN exploit it. If the liberals can’t do it, I guess we’re just smarter than they are.
BRISTOL is going to win because none of the liberals can stay up all night long and keep voting with as many fake accounts as the rest of the Tea Party and other supporters.
So, go ahead…..Liberals can tell ABC, tell Good Morning America, blog about what I’m saying for all they want…….it’s not going to change. While they are voting 5 to 10 times for Kyle or Jennifer……we are voting over 500 at a time. In fact I CHALLENGE ABC to try and stop the barrage of online voting that will happen next Monday night……….They can’t.
Hey, the haters can blame ABC if they don’t like it. However, it’s too late……they can’t change the online voting in time to prevent us from stuffing the balloting box.
So…..yes, in a way, we can admit that there has been a conspiracy……but nevertheless, the TEA PARTY WILL WIN……….and we’ll all be up ALL NIGHT LONG to see that it happens!!!
One would wonder about Palin's latest book saying Mrs. Obama is a racist because she was finally proud of America.
Could be that Palin was still smarting over her lost to a Black Woman in the beauty queen contest in Alaska. Palin was 2nd in that contest.
The Washington Post Reliable Source has an interesting interview today with Maryline Blackburn, Miss Alaska 1984, who competed against Republican vice presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin.
Palin's improbable run to the finals had been championed by some conservative bloggers running get-out-the-vote campaigns. She came into the season finale in last place and said she was leaving her fate to the voters.
"Going out there and winning this would mean a lot. It would be like a big middle finger to all the people out there that hate my mom and hate me," Sarah Palin's daughter said during Tuesday's show,
What a well bred daughter of the moose patty said...
Read more: http://www.philly.com/philly/entertainment/110286219.html#ixzz16BaoqPQB
Because only someone who thinks the term "Moose Patty" is the height of witty sophistication qualified to judge good breeding.
Blogger Lisa Mossie said...
Because only someone who thinks the term "Moose Patty" is the height of witty sophistication qualified to judge good breeding.
November 24, 2010 5:13 PM
a cartoon character, aka, race baiter, kicked off the TH... ROFL.
little caribou barbie is a vindictive little narrow minded female, much like yourself. moose patty is a term of the stuff she spreads around. crib notes on her hand that her daddy taught her. she says she can beat President Obama. ask her the tough questions, trixie, like how she would deal with the latest crisis of North Korea? you couldn't deal with it yourself. only concerned with eggs that may get thrown away, so put them in your belly and bear them and don't ask for government assistance either.
KKK Snowman Spreads Holiday Hate In Hayden
Rob Kauder | Internet Content Manager, KXLY.com
Posted: 11:55 am PST December 1, 2010Updated: 7:04 pm PST December 1, 2010
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HAYDEN, Idaho -- While most see the holiday season as one of joy and merrymaking, at least one Hayden, Idaho, resident is taking the opportunity to spread a little hate courtesy of a noose-carrying, KKK hood-wearing snowman on their front lawn.
An Abbotsford business man is under fire for posting a 'No negroes allowed' sign in his future gentlemen's club. The sign excluding black people is enraging residents of this small town in Wisconsin.
The Clark County business man, Mark Prior, says its his right to discriminate. "If I've got a problem with you it's going to be on the front of my store," he says.
The gentlemen's club Prior wants to open is in a building next to the Abbotsford city hall and library. A city official asked him to remove the sign, which was previously outside the establishment but he kept it and placed it inside the club instead.
This sign is one which generations of people may have never seen, and many wished they would never have to see again. Federal and State law says that if the business is open to the public then prohibiting people to enter it based on race, is illegal. However, if the proposed gentlemen's club is private, then he technically could discriminate.
The sign was posted because Prior has allegedly had issues with black people in the past, and decided to make a policy against them. Apparently it is not just black people that he has issues with. Prior says that he has a problem with others as well, but could not post a lengthy list of names outside his establishment, and opted instead to post the 'No Negroes Allowed' sign.
"I'm going to stick to my guns because I think I have the right as a business owner to reject service to anyone. It's not all the black people, there are just a few bad ones," Prior says.
People in Abbotsford say it's a sign they don't welcome in their town. However, Prior says it's his right as an American and as a business owner to decide who's welcome; a right he says he'll take all the way to court if he has to.
"It's insulting to think that someone automatically sees your skin color and thinks that you're inferior and that you're not fit to be around. On the other hand, if they're of this kind of intelligence, I'm not going to worry about it too much," says Dr. Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, an African American historian at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
Ducksworth-Lawton says the second he opens his business, he'll be in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Prior's gentlemen's club is set to open to the public Friday, however this business man's previous endeavors, (a grocery store and his own sheriff's department), have not worked out in the past.
To Anonymous of December 11, 2010 2:13 PM
You've got it completely correct!
Stan and his minions are just mouthpieces for Bruce and Risa. They report everything from those two as if it was the God-given truth. Both of these people like to try everyone in the public as guilty until proven innocent and the paper (or tabloid) as I see it reports innocents as guilty, too.
It's hearsay and the reporter in question has used cut and paste from other erroneous reporters on this rag of a paper in the past, with no apologies when they were wrong.
Where is the effort on the Sandy Condos? I don't see anything after Risa chased the microphone to announce that the DA's office was investigating, yet she ignores the conflict of interest in backing her man, Bruce, over a possible $100 fine, AGAIN, using hearsay from a reporter on a vendetta pushed by the big boss Stan.
Once again the "let them eat cake" lady disses the First Lady. She promotes obesity and diabetes in children just to get in the news.
courtesy of CNN
Sarah Palin is again taking aim at Michelle Obama over her anti-obesity campaign, taking the opportunity in Sunday's "Sarah Palin's Alaska" to land a diss against the first lady's efforts to improve nutrition.
While making s'mores at one point during Sunday's episode, the former Alaska governor proclaims the marshmallow and chocolate treat is "in honor of Michelle Obama, who said the other day we should not have dessert."
Is the Lipstick Pit bull afraid that Michelle Obama's biceps are bigger than hers? And that Michelle might be more manned-up than she is. Here's how she slammed the First Lady.
"Where's the s'mores ingredients," she asked her kids on their gigantic RV, as the family headed out on a camping trip. When she found the marshmallows she announced "This is in honor of the First Lady, who says we shouldn't have dessert!"
Pow! She knocked Michelle for her well-lauded "Let's Move" anti-obesity campaign.
Normally, politicians don't take swings at First Ladies, unless you have Hillary Clinton in the role and she doesn't like baking cookies. But Sarah clearly has no respect for the presidential spouse's role... oh, unless, Todd occupies it as First Dude. Is huntin', shootin', halibut bashin' Palin intimidated by the Obama biceps? are Michelle's more manned up than hers? You have to wonder.
When Sarah Palin took us on a hunting/camping trip with her dad Chuck Heath on the latest episode of Sarah Palin’s Alaska, she said hunting was necessary to “fill her freezer!”
Hunting for caribou means “food on the table and in the freezer for a lot of Alaskans,” the former Govenor extolled. She opened her freezer to let us see how the Palin meat pantry was getting bare.
“For many people in remote areas of Alaska, there’s no grocery store nearby, we just got to get out and hunt,” enthused Sarah. The only thing is that getting out and hunting for Sarah turned out to be an adventure requiring three separate airplanes to get her to her hunting spot with her father and family friend Steve Becker.
HollywoodLife.com researched the logistics and cost of Palin’s hunting trip which resulted in a bagged caribou, and discovered that it was a mighty expensive way to feed the Palin family, at $42,400 for the trip.
The grand total to charter a Dehavilland Dash plane from Era Alaska to travel round trip from Wasilla’s Palmer airport to Deadhorse, Alaska was $37,600. In Deadhorse, the Palins switched to a 6 seat Cessna C207 Skywagon which they flew into the Kavik River Camp, at $1200 for the round trip, according to Lori Goodman, director of sales and marketing of Era Alaska, the company which chartered the planes for the Palins.
Once in Kavik, the Palins spent two nights at the Kavik River Camp at $250 a person per night, for a $750 total.
Finally, the Deltana Outfitters flew them individually on a Piper Supercub airplane from Kavik into their hunting spot at a cost of $350 per hour for three hours each way, for a total of $2100, according to Deltana.
The grand Palin total to bag a caribou and get it back to the Palin homestead added up to $42,400, or $141.33 per lb. of caribou meat. Sarah shot and killed a female cow which may have weighed up to 300 lbs.
Just to put this is perspective, the Palins could have filled their freezer with ribeye steak at $10.99 a lb. from Alaska’s Mr. Prime Beef, which is based in Anchorage and ships anywhere in the state.
I have no problem with hunting as a hobby and eating what you catch. But when Sarah goes on about being “tough, independent and self sufficent” and that’s why she hunts, she can’t be serious. How many Americans can afford to be that “self sufficent” and “self sustaining” when it costs $42,400 to personally hunt for their meat?
It’s a nice fantasy Sarah — but that’s what you’re really selling on your reality show.
–Bonnie Fuller
The prosecutor said Manilla only confessed after there was a strong case against him. Manilla wasn’t forthcoming with investigators and attempted to hide the rifle, said Heckler. And, records said, dirt had been “plugged” into the muzzle end of the rifle making it impossible for a ballistics expert to precisely link the bullet in Groh to the weapon.
Neither Monestero nor Marino, a former Montgomery County Commissioner in addition to being a former district attorney, face charges.
Marino had a cell phone when he and Manilla stood by Groh’s lifeless body, but Marino never called 911. Had Groh still been alive, Marino and Monestero, who was also there when Groh was found, could have faced charges, such as failing to render aid, said Heckler.
Heckler said it would have been “more appropriate” if Marino had been immediately forthcoming with authorities about what occurred, but noted that he was “belatedly” cooperative.
Marino knew that Manilla was not allowed to possess firearms because of his felony conviction. In fact, Marino, before becoming district attorney, was Manilla’s defense attorney in the 1985 assault case.
“Mr. Marino is greatly saddened over the tragic death of Barry Groh,” according to a statement released by Bruce L. Castor Jr., a Montgomery County Commissioner and private practice attorney who is counsel for Marino. “Should the law and the facts warrant it, Mr. Marino realizes that his nephew must be held accountable.”
Inquirer Editorial: Slain hunter deserves justice
Bucks County hunter Barry Groh had the grim misfortune to come within range of another hunter who was a felon and a lawyer, no less, who had been given too many second chances and shouldn't have had a weapon in his hands.
The senseless slaying of Groh, 52, of Quakertown - which resulted in manslaughter, weapons, and other charges Friday against David Manilla, 49, of Worcester - is deeply troubling on many fronts.
Manilla belatedly admitted that he shot the fellow deer hunter in the Bucks countryside late last month. Manilla, the nephew of a once-prominent county politician, was jailed on $2 million bail after Bucks County District Attorney David W. Heckler and county detectives solved what had been a mystery for weeks.
While riding an ATV with two other hunters, Manilla said he accidentally fired off the lethal round from a high-powered rifle at what he thought was a deer. Instead, Manilla killed Groh, a husband and father of two, who was in the process of hauling away a deer he had shot.
Those details would be damning enough, but it gets worse. Manilla was convicted of bludgeoning a man 25 years ago. As a felon, he was barred from hunting with a firearm, much less one that is banned in this region.
Manilla had also previously shot another hunter in Schuylkill County in 1994. With a history of shooting a gun despite being a felon, Manilla deserves no lenience if convicted.
He appears to think and act as if he is above the law.
Even worse, after shooting the fatal round, Manilla and two hunting buddies waited a half-hour to summon help as Groh lay in a creek Nov. 29. They said nothing to a paramedic about Groh's having been shot, leaving the paramedic to speculate he suffered a heart attack. Then they left the area without waiting for police to question them, authorities say.
More troubling, Manilla's hunting party included his uncle, former Montgomery County District Attorney Michael D. Marino.
That's two men with legal degrees who behaved in ways that deserve scrutiny, and perhaps action, by the state lawyers' disciplinary panel. At the very least, they behaved despicably in failing to alert authorities to the shooting sooner and in not providing a full account of the incident.
Authorities said Marino - who admitted he knew it was illegal for Manilla, as a felon, to carry a rifle - took nine days to come forward with information that helped solve the case. Marino's political friend, Bruce Castor, a Montgomery County Commissioner, issued a statement praising him for providing "a complete account of what happened." Please.
Any justice for the Groh family that comes from this is due to Heckler and his aides. They pursued the truth despite clear attempts to evade responsibility for a deadly act that prosecutors described as reckless and cowardly.
Urgent - Stan censors opinions on his blog. Posted several, and wonder if this will show up at all.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If I had a big problem, as does Marino and those that were hunting I certainly would get the best attorney to handle my case. Would you prefer Hoeffel over Castor? I think not. Use you gray matter and then think about any of your relatives or friends that may have a little problem telling the truth or abiding by the laws here in PA. Now, a great Lawyer is what is needed, not as one person said "well he is a so, so lawyer" - now that can be a problem.
December 18, 2010 12:53 PM
(Use "you" gray matter)???
I don't think you are using "your" gray matter at all. Using a so-called great lawyer who doesn't advise his nephew to call 911 or render aid or not plug up his illegal 30.06 gun with dirt, is not a great lawyer. It's professional courtesy that even has a joke that sharks don't eat lawyers because of that fact. The guy's a felon and had an arsenal of weapons at his house that he wasn't supposed to own. This is what happens when they "know" the law and how to get around it. In this case Marino did not serve the public with giving any good advice at all. Stonewalling was more like it.
Some of Barbour’s travel may well have been worth it to Mississippi, a state that is heavily dependent on federal funds. But, much of the time, he has used the plane to go to fundraisers for himself and other Republican candidates and committees, to football games and to at least one boxing match — travel that has a less obvious connection to what Barbour, a former top lobbyist in Washington, has cast as his lobbying on behalf of his state.
The flight logs obtained by POLITICO indicate that Mississippi has spent more than $500,000 over the past three years on Barbour's air travel. That total does not include security and other logistical costs associated with his trips. And through a quirk in Mississippi law, whenever the governor is out of state, Mississippi must pay the lieutenant governor a salary differential as acting governor.
Barbour has reimbursed the state for a handful of flights, but he has more often scheduled obscure official business to coincide with the business of politics, according to the manifest and logs, which were obtained from the Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration under a Mississippi Public Records Act request by a Democrat who has worked in the state, who provided them to POLITICO.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1210/46816.html#ixzz19JcFXlZG
12:51 PM Dec 28, 2010
Birthers are not interested in the facts. They are racists, plain and siple, and you don't discuss facts with someone like that. You keep a very watchful eye on them in case they get out of hand; otherwise, you don't give them the vantage point of attention. (I'm a 63 year-old white guy who has lived all his life in Louisiana; although the state is certainly changing for the better, trust me, I know whereof I speak when it comes to seeing and hearing racism.) I'm so very proud of Mr. Obama as a man and as our president.
On March 25, 2005 this headline item appeared on the website of the Humane Society of the United States, "Dogfighting Kingpin Toppled in Louisiana Raid." The kingpin was 70-year-old Floyd Boudreaux. He was slapped with 48 counts in state court of dogfighting and animal cruelty. For decades, Boudreaux was the high profile, patriarch of the dirty business. He bragged and boasted of his dog fighter breeding skills, and was even featured on the cover of magazines. Boudreaux made a fortune in the sport, bred and trained dogs and influenced a generation or more of dogfight trainers and breeders. Other than a local paper, and the Humane Society website, Boudreaux's arrest and case quickly disappeared.
On July 18, 2007 this headline screamed from every paper in the country: "Atlanta Falcons Quarterback Michael Vick indicated on dogfighting charges."
There are three things to keep in mind about the Boudreaux versus Vick sagas; the date, the charges and the outcome, and most importantly the reaction of HSUS and PETA, and state and federal prosecutors, and the public.
Beyond his initial arrest and presumed jailing, Boudreaux has not spent a second in court let alone in a jail cell in the more than two years since his arrest. In fact, he's not even scheduled to go on trial until January 2008. There's no indication that all, or even most of the charges Boudreaux was plastered with will stand up in court or whether the prosecution will vigorously go after him. There's no iron-clad guarantee that nearly three years after Boudreaux's arrest he will even see a courtroom. There could be a plea bargain and then the question is will prosecutors ask for jail time and if they do will he get jail time. Prosecutors are stone silent on all of this. Though dog fighting is a federal offense and Boudreaux undoubtedly transported dogs across state lines, there's no public indication that the feds will bring any charges against him.
Then there's Boudreaux. He did not stand before the world and say "I made a mistake, made bad decisions and dogfighting is a terrible thing." Vick did when he entered his plea.
They caught him at the Atlanta airport, trying to flee to Israel.
But never mind. This will still be brought up continuously for the next 10 years as proof of how white Americans hate black people.
Israeli citizen suspected of racially motivated stabbings of black men apprehended
A possible suspect in a string of 20 stabbings that terrorized people across three states and left five dead was arrested at an airport as he tried to board a plane for Israel, officials said Thursday.
The man was arrested late Wednesday and was being held on unrelated charges, police in Leesburg, Va., said.
He was arrested at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport where he was trying to board a Delta Air Lines flight to Tel Aviv, Israel, said Rafael Lemaitre, a spokesman at U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
The man has ties to Flint, Mich., where the attacks began May 24, and to Leesburg, the site of three similar attacks last week, Leesburg Police Officer Chris Jones said.
e condition of anonymity due to the ongoing investigation.
“While this is a key step in the investigation there are still many issues that need to be addressed before we identify this individual as the person responsible for this horrific crime spree,” Jones said.
Police had been focusing their hunt on Flint — where 16 of the stabbings took place — until Leesburg police reported three attacks. Authorities in Toledo, Ohio, say a stabbing in that city Saturday appears to be linked to the violent spree.
As of Wednesday afternoon, a task force led by the Michigan State Police and including the FBI had received 469 tips. Those tips have been passed out to the various law enforcement teams involved in the case.
The attacks began surfacing in late spring, and picked up the pace as the stabber traversed the country.
Police have said the man’s attacks usually follow a pattern: He approaches black men late at night on lonely urban roads, and asks for directions or help with a broken-down car. Then, without warning, he pulls out a knife and strikes. Then, he speeds away in his vehicle, leaving them for dead.
Owen Honors, Captain of the Norfolk-based USS Enterprise, was revealed as the producer of a series of "raunchy" videos made aboard the Navy carrier several years ago in a report released by the Virginian-Pilot on Saturday.
Filmed in 2006 and 2007 when Honors was the Enterprises's executive officer, the clips were reportedly shown to 6,000 sailors and U.S. Marines on the ship as part of what was called "XO Movie Night."
sarahpac and sharon angle are to blame for the shooting of a congresswoman, judge and a 9 year old child, among the dead and still fighting for life. sarah targeted the congresswoman and angle cited 2nd amendment as a cure. quess stan will ignore this tragedy, since it isn't in montco, like the killer manilla.
Asked if Giffords had any enemies, her father replied, “the whole tea party.” Giffords had been under attack by vicious emails, threats and attempts at physical harm in the past year. Even her opponent in the last Congressional race used pictures of himself with an automatic weapon. In August of 2009, an attendee at a Giffords town-hall meeting dropped a handgun.
Since Giffords voted in favor of health-care overhaul in March, she has been subject to ridicule and vandalism. Her office was broken into and the glass pain of her door was shattered. Giffords stated, “The rhetoric is incredibly heated, not just the calls but the emails, the slurs. Things have really gotten spun up.”
In March of 2009, Sarah PalinSarah Palin’s political action committee posted a map of the US citing locations of the 20 Democratic members of Congress (including Giffords) that were targeted for defeat. Each marker on the map was in the image of a gun crosshairs. Today, Giffords was removed from a map and a statement of sorrow over the shooting was issued by Palin. Giffords was outspoken about the image and the intended 20 Dems that were targeted, “When people do that they’ve gotta realize there’s consequences to that action.”
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