I'm In You
She starts with the line that will go down in political infamy: "I'm not a witch."
Her point, I think, is that she is just an ordinary person -- despite probably arriving at the commercial taping on a broomstick paid for by campaign funds.
The new slogan, designed to rebuild reputation that never should have been distorted as a viable candidate in the first place: "I'm you."
She has a point there -- sorta.
If she's preaching to her base of Tea Party yo-yos, she is right on the money.
Let's just hope the independent voters of Delaware, the ones who will decide that election, see through the thin facade.
The "I am you" comment offended me greatly. I am not a gay basher. I am not a religious zealot that believes the evolution is a myth. I don't believe praying accomplishes anything especially trying to win elections...
I guess plain talk for and from plain folk is too complicated for the elitist ear.
By all means, keep focusing on picking the low hanging fruit because God knows that the Delaware seat is the only one you Dems really have to worry about.
Unfortunately, Lisa, two senators from Delaware are the same as two from a real state. She would be one of the 100 most powerful people in the country. Scary, scary thought.
That's just fine, Anonymous. You cower in your living room, afraid of lil' old Christine O'Donnell and her scary scary witchcraft. Meanwhile, us conservatives will concentrate on the other 49 states.
You are only as strong as your weakest link, Lisa. So both sides better worry about this crazy lady.
Lisa, you poor thing, you are making our case for us without realizing it. This country can't afford to have the "lowest hanging fruit" making the most important decisions.
I'll say a little prayer for you.
People keep quoting him about homosexuality being a sin. What about the other passages by Leviticus? for example 19:27, hair and beards reference. Are men without beards and cutting their hair a certain way, sinners? Guess so, since the other passage is being used to describe men's sins, so should this one. Common sense.
If Republicans and their tea party clones do not believe in Government and its (perceived) intrusion etc...why do they want to run for office...to be a Maytag repairman? What exactly are they planning to do when they are in office? According to them Govt should'nt tell anyone what to do; Govt should'nt HELP anyone because everyone is unto himself. So, why have a government at all?
Christine is spouting the same nonsense, but she, Palin and the other wingnuts want to say that even if a women/child is pregnant by a rapist or through incest, they should have the baby. Guess they'll put scanners on every female body to make sure they have have that kid, but then the government won't take care of it cause they want less government. What a oxymoron!
And, trixie is worshiping at the alter of this loser. Are you still ready to have all those embryos implanted and have those babies and take care of them without government help, little lisa?
Why don't you grow up and get a grown up picture. Or is trixie your avatar forever? Go speed racer go... ROFL!!!
Ophelia--Forgive me. I've forgotten how powerful a handful of Republicans can be compared to filibuster-proof majorities of Democrats. Of course, that explains why none of Obama's policies have been implemented, or implemented successfully, or have been successful.
I really feel sorry for you Democrats. You've really bought into your leadership's party line of demonizing all opponents. No wonder you are all so scared.
It would be sad if it wasn't so funny.
and trixie the cheerleader for go speedracer go tries to strike again. you are pitiful, lisa, you race-baiter. you insulted people who had to put up with police putting their dogs on them and fire hoses at full force, but you want to protect someone who doesn't want to tell the truth, just like palin, pallidino, angle and the rest. guess you like the emails that pallidino sent out, too, huh?
you don't want to answer the hardball questions, just like the tea party idiots, huh?
hate to say it, but lisa, trixie, go speed racer go cheerleader, according to her sign is an air head. you aren't a regressive witch are you? but I apologize to the wiccans who your buddy, the leach insulted. you know the irish named, but italian regressive who wants to scan every female belly to make sure they have that baby. you are a hypocrite and need to grow up further just like christine. could she be that car that ran over people in the horror movie? could be if she gets elected, but I hope Delaware is smarter than the racists who want to take back the white house, now that some uppity black guy is in there. face the mirror and the music trixie and answer the questions. you can't because you want to be like angle who wants the press to ask the questions she wants asked. just listen to the tapes of her saying that and try to spin it like you are trying to spin christine. you can't, trixie, but I hope you do and in public so SNL can do a spoof on your lame person.
as a member of the nation, the original nation of people before columbus and his ilk spread disease and before the inquisition and before the crusades, I say take all the buildings down in NYC and put no religious buildings here at all. mark all the people who lived here and were buried here and buildings were built upon them, natives, slaves, etc. there is a church who is being silent not to be afraid, but they want their church rebuilt, too, in the ground zero area. fear mongers are about and they want their white house back from that black guy who got elected. let's face facts and review the original tea party of the liberals who the repucklicraps hijacked, like reagan, bush and bush the rediscovered drunk who rediscovered religion
With the pretend witch spouting anti-government nonsense, (really a professional runner for office to get campaign $ to live off of), here's the point that nobody in politics seems to get: The government interventions worked. The companies were saved. Most of the money that taxpayers invested is likely to be repaid. Many politicians talk as if the whole process was a disaster, but it wasn't. Private actors made bad decisions, but public officials generally made good ones. Rattner predicts that "the U.S. Treasury will recover most if not all of the $82 billion the American taxpayer staked on overhauling Detroit." Even if the government ultimately loses $20 billion, he notes, "that seems a small price to pay for averting a major economic calamity in the industrial Midwest and helping keep the national economy from spiraling from deep recession into outright depression." Since the government-forced restructuring of GM and Chrysler last year, he notes, the auto industry has added 76,000 jobs. A similar success story seems likely with most of the rest of the money spent for TARP, the acronym that is a dirty word this political season. The Troubled Assets Relief Program, coupled with emergency facilities at the Fed, allowed a "work-out" for a financial system that was on the verge of freezing up. Most of the TARP investments, it seems, will be recovered, too, including loans made to the notorious insurance behemoth AIG.
Ms. O'Donnell exemplifies exactly why I, a life long Republican, no longer vote for any Republican candidate. For years, the party has been exhibiting more and more theologies of the religious right to the exclusion of any other philosophy. With her abstinence, anti-self-gratification, pro-Creationism/Intelligent Design declarations, she chooses her theology over science. In the long run this "no science" approach will cost America its leading edge in technology, medicine and any other science based endeavor. She has taken a pro-life stance, yet rails against goverment intrusion into our lives. How much more intrusive can goverment be? She wails about the deficit, yet refuses to acknowlege that 2 wars declared by the previous administration were never paid for. She also seems to be unaware that, when the Republicans institued the tax cuts now causing more foment, they were enacted for only 10 years so there did not have to be any funding for them. She wants to dismantle the social network now in place and upon which many Americans rely. She wants to change our education system to replace valid courses with those based upon her relgion. She is a professional, perennial candidate and I can only hope the voters of Delaware repudiate (not refudiate) her.
Oh, Prof. Lisa, teach us more, please.
We are but naive pupils in your classroom.
I don't want someone in our government who wants to regulate my pleasure, thinks evolution is a myth and going to covens. If she did win she would only be thrown out of office after they investigate her shady doings with her campaign money. Then again maybe she can wiggle her nose and make it go away. I'm tired of old white people (by the way I am white by the way) reminiscing the Jim Crow days with these teabagging candidates. If you support the tea party...you support big oil since it was party founded by the Koch brothers who are billionaires and own an oil company. Good luck when your kids end up getting drafted for the Oil Wars!!!
I just read that Christine O'Donnell brought her broomstick in for an oil change.
I guess she is a witch after all.
Retired Marine-2523933
Seriously, how can anyone say "It's a choice" and not know what the hell they are talking about. Buck is just plain stupid, he "Believes" is a choice, is he gay? Then he can't know for sure, is like getting a massage, some people might think its good, but until you try it you don't know for sure. In his case, his talk is a "Stupid Republican" with not an ounce of intelligence talk. He should not talk of his believes if he can't put himself in the shoes of gay people, he is attacking the rights and the freedom of HUMAN BEINGS, is the way they are, they way they were born and they are happy with that. UNITED STATES is "supposed" to be a country with freedom and liberty FOR ALL, FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM IN GENERAL, where is that at? Gay people do not harm anybody by getting married and being a part of our society, please republicans stop being so inhumane and so closed minded, is getting interpreted as ignorance.
I thought you throw them in water and if they sink they're not witches. Christine insults Wiccans everywhere with her naive spouting, along with insulting gays, and people of other religions, with her canned speeches of Marxists and the like.
HA HA - CO has no original thoughts. Just rambles on in hopes that people are stupid enough to give money to her campaign to pay her bills.
"Christine insults Wiccans" has to be the most hilariously off base comment EVER posted on this blog---and THAT is really saying something.
The Christine O'Donnell witch controversy is only a controversy because your own PARTY has no respect for Wicca--they think it's a joke and that why they like calling her a witch. So much for that tolerance you liberals are all so famous for.
funny how the tea party and repubs attach McCain's daughter for stating the truth about Christine being a nut job. they go on with their sexist remarks about the size of her bra. pretty childish
Christine, the low hanging fruit needs to be picked and put in the trash. she is just running for office to get money to pay her bills.
Christine has been exposed as getting the same trainers that Palin had to train her for the debate. canned remarks is all she could come up with. No idea about which Supreme Court ruling she didn't like. she should have written her answers on her hand like that half-task quitter governor Palin, who is only out for the money, too.
Well, wonder what ole Christine would do in this case? She'd probably say Mormons are not Christian either.
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- A Presbyterian church was happy to have Jeremy and Jodi Stokes as Cub Scout leaders, at least until officials there found out they are Mormons and told them they would have to step down because the church does not consider them real Christians.
The Stokeses enrolled their sons as Scouts at Christ Covenant Church, a Presbyterian congregation about 10 miles from Charlotte, then expressed interest in volunteering as leaders. Church officials were initially thrilled earlier this month, the Stokeses said, until they saw on the couple's application forms that they belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
After two Scout meetings, the Stokeses were told their sons, 6 and 8 years old, could remain in their packs, but the parents couldn't serve as leaders.
"I can't believe they had the audacity to say, 'You can't be leaders but we want your boys,"' Jodi Stokes said. "Are you kidding me? Do you really think I'd let my boys go there now?"
Calls to Christ Covenant were referred to Stelle Snyder, the church's spokeswoman, who did not immediately return messages from The Associated Press. Snyder and a minister confirmed the Stokes' account to The Charlotte Observer.
They told the newspaper Christ Covenant reserves Scout leadership positions for Christians, and it does not consider Mormons to be real Christians.
"We had bought the uniforms, we had gone to two meetings, they had played with the other kids," Jodi Stokes said. "And then my sons are saying, 'Mommy, why can't we go back there?"'
Uh, the term is Wiccan, dear trixie-go-speed-racer-go. Christine started with the stupid stereotyping.
Wiccans are in the military service, and I don't have a problem with that or with any other religion or non-religious person serving or working anywhere
The problem with this fruitcake is that she'll may sure that whether a woman or child is raped by a stranger or by a sick member of the family, they will have that baby according to her and Angle who says it part of their religion. No government, then the contradiction of their intruding into people's personal decisions. Why don't you address that instead of hiding behind the "little" stuff like her making out on a bloody alter?
Angle took down a recent ad that featured a photo of three Mexican men with the words "Illegal Aliens" scrawled below after the image's photographer came forward to say the three men were not illegal aliens but instead were photographed in Mexico.
The Canadian ambassador to the United States Gary Doer has asked Angle to retract her baseless assertion that the 911 terrorists entered the United States through Canada. Angle claims that the U.S.-Canada border is the "most porous border we have" and "what we know is our northern border is where the terrorists came through". U.S. law enforcement have long determined that none of the hijackers entered the U.S. from Canada, but directly from third countries with visas issued by the United States.
Angle has said that the Social Security system should be "transitioned out". In May 2010, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that Angle had stated in a radio interview on KNPR that "[her] grandfather wouldn't even take his Social Security check because he said he was not up for welfare".
I paid into Social Security and Medicare and I don't consider it welfare.
And, I heard that nut talk about Asians and Hispanics to some school children and they were justified in laughing at her nonsense.
ginnie thomas, the stalker wife of clarence, is another teabagger nut, who has the nerve to ask Ms. Hill to apologize for telling the truth about clarence.
she just can't take the truth that he was harassing Ms. Hill and needs to get over it and grow up like that cartoon character lisa/trixie needs to get a life.
You know what. You are right. We should fill the government administrator positions, and seats in congress, with right wing religious ideology. That way we could partner up with Iran and all of the other nations of God to create the League of Doom, or the Judgment Day Party. I guess we could work on the name but you get the point right?
O'Donnell's financial past includes a tax lien from the IRS, a lawsuit from the university she attended over unpaid bills and a foreclosure action that she avoided by selling her house to her former campaign attorney before a sheriff's auction.
She acknowledges using campaign money to pay part of the rent on her current town house. Her attorney maintains someone with the Federal Election Commission approved the arrangement, although the commission's rules say candidates can't use campaign money for their mortgage or rent "even if part of the residence is being used by the campaign."
AP writer Jessica Gresko in Washington contributed to this report.
Nixon - tricky Dick was a great republican.
In 1972, Lavelle was a four-star Air Force general. But, according to the Pentagon and historical record, in April of that year, he was removed from command because of allegations that he ordered bombing missions into North Vietnam that had not been authorized.
Reports from 1972 said Lavelle advocated the bombing of radar sites in North Vietnam that were helping the enemy shoot down American pilots on missions.
Before Lavelle's orders to attack radar sites, the North Vietnamese had developed a more effective anti-aircraft defense system and had become very adept at targeting U.S. planes. Existing rules of engagement said the the American pilots couldn't attack the radar sites until the enemy attacked the Americans.
Lavelle also allegedly tried to falsify records about the missions by claiming the bombings were in response to enemy fire that never happened.
When the situation became public, it became the focus of much media attention, even making the cover of Newsweek magazine. The entire scandal was called the Lavelle affair.
Because of his actions and the alleged cover-up, Lavelle was demoted, lost two stars and retired a major general.
Then in 2007, 28 years after his death, once-secret tapes from the Nixon White House were examined. They showed that President Nixon did authorize Lavelle to bomb North Vietnam radar. Other evidence showed he never knew about efforts to conceal the missions or falsify records, and took action to make sure the practice was discontinued.
Because of the new evidence, Lavelle has been formally nominated to the rank of four-star general again.
LIVINGSTON, La. -- A move by one Louisiana parish to make sure Halloween isn't celebrated on Sundays has caught the attention of a major civil rights organization.
The ACLU of Louisiana on Friday delivered a letter to Livingston Parish leaders urging them to repeal an ordinance that changes the official date of Halloween when Oct. 31 lands on a Sunday.
The group defines Halloween as a religious holiday. The ACLU believes the government, therefore, has no authority to dictate its observance.
"The penalty for violation of this misguided ordinance can be up to 30 days in jail," ACLU of Louisiana Executive Director Marjorie Esman said in a statement. "No parent should fear jail time for taking children to a neighbor's house for candy, and no resident should fear prosecution for offering a treat to a visiting child."
For years, Livingston Parish code has read: "Trick or treat hours shall be 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the unincorporated areas of the Parish of Livingston. An exception shall be made when October 31 falls on a Sunday. In that event, trick or treat will be held the following Monday, November 1, from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m."
Earlier this month at a special council meeting, members voted unanimously to change the ordinance, moving the observance of Halloween to Saturday in years in which Oct. 31 fell on a Sunday. The special session was called after the council received complaints from parents who did not want the observance of Halloween reset for a Monday night.
While for most Americans, the holiday is generally lighthearted and geared toward children, the ACLU points to its origins as a religious celebration.
"The free exercise of religion, mandated by both the U.S. and the Louisiana constitutions, means that government cannot reschedule Christmas or any other religious holiday," Esman said. "That includes Halloween, which falls on Oct. 31 regardless of the day of the week."
COD said God told her to run for Senate... ROFL
This is G-d.
Please stop talking about me.
I'm sorry I can't support you.
Be gentle and reverent.
Not snarky and sniping.
Be well and try to get a job.
Oh, and remember, leave me out of it.
WILMINGTON, Del. - October 27, 2010 -- Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell's campaign has apologized after threatening to sue a Wilmington radio station following her appearance on a talk show.
O'Donnell's appearance Tuesday on WDEL-AM's "The Rick Jensen Show" was broadcast live and streamed on the Internet.
At one point, the video shows O'Donnell snapping her fingers and beckoning an aide after Jensen pressed her on how she would have handled the county budget differently from her Democratic opponent, County Executive Chris Coons.
After the interview, O'Donnell told Jensen she would sue if the video was released. The station says her campaign manager threatened to "crush" WDEL-AM if it didn't destroy the video.
An attorney for the O'Donnell campaign later apologized to WDEL-AM's attorney.
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