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Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Lyin' Eyes

As soon as I heard that Glenn Beck was going blind, several thoughts raced through my head:

Among them:

-Good! Maybe there is a God after all.

-There has got to be a joke in there somewhere, especially when one considers the adage about performing a certain act of self-indulgence so much that it will lead to blindness.

-How will he see race now?

And said to myself: "Yo G2, there is a column here."

But Beck is an attention whore. And even though to put him in the limelight, I don't want to be an accomplice to any such crime.

But this march on Washington D.C. Saturday -- one where the stated reason is to "restore honor" but the real one is to taunt black America, much in the way Beck and Co. think Muslims are trying to taunt Christian America with the mosque near Ground Zero (I'm against it too, but more because of the place and time of the community center with mosque attached) -- is over the top.

Beck's ignorance should not be ignored. It should be addressed, head-on, and the backlash should drive him to his knees begging for mercy and forgiveness.

And none should be granted.

This is nothing less than a disgrace -- unless the honor being restored is the honor that was lost when the president before the current one did his damage.

That fact is so obvious that anyone should be able to see it.

Glenn Beck isn't going blind. He already is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin is not doing herself any favors being a part of this sham. Any questions that she is presidential timber should be answered right here.

August 27, 2010 at 9:02 AM 
Anonymous Gordon Fan said...

I blame his parents. They clearly didn't give him enough attention as a child.

August 27, 2010 at 9:10 AM 
Anonymous Jim from Collegeville said...

As a compassionate conservative who doesn't take Sarah Palin seriously, I see this and cringe.
I hope Glenn Beck realizes that he is trading 15 minutes of fame for being remembered as an idiot who did anything but restore honor with his actions.
Still, Gordon, no reason to sink to his level. You could have said what you had to say without being so mean-spirited.
I guess that's just you being you.

August 27, 2010 at 9:13 AM 
Anonymous Mouse Pad said...

This is a Klan rally, pure and simple.
The only honor they are seeking to restore is that of the white race.

August 27, 2010 at 10:11 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bruce Majors - guide to tea partiers

Safety and Mores

DC's population includes refugees from every country, as the families of embassy staffs of third world countries tend to stay in DC whenever a revolution in their homeland means that anyone in their family would be in danger if they went back. Most taxi drivers and many waiters/waitresses (especially in local coffee shops like the Bread and Chocolate chain) are immigrants, frequently from east Africa or Arab countries. As a rule, African immigrants do not like for you to assume they are African Americans and especially do not like for you to guess they are from a neighboring country (e.g. Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia) with whom they may have political or military tensions. It's rare to meet anyone who gets really offended, but you can still be aware of the issue.

Many parts of DC are safe beyond the areas I will list here, but why chance it if you don't know where you are?

If you are on the subway stay on the Red line between Union Station and Shady Grove, Maryland. If you are on the Blue or Orange line do not go past Eastern Market (Capitol Hill) toward the Potomac Avenue stop and beyond; stay in NW DC and points in Virginia. Do not use the Green line or the Yellow line. These rules are even more important at night. There is of course nothing wrong with many other areas; but you don't know where you are, so you should not explore them.

If on foot or in a cab or bus, stay in Bethesda, Arlington (preferably north Arlington), Crystal City, Falls Church, Annandale, or Alexandria, or in DC only in northwest DC west (i.e. larger street numbers) of 14th or 16th streets, or if on Capitol Hill only in SE Capitol Hill (zip 20003) between 1st and 8th Streets, not farther out than 8th (e.g. 9th, 10th etc). (Or stay on the Mall and at the various monuments.) Again there are many other lovely places, from the Catholic University of America to Silver Spring, Maryland. But you don't know where you are so you cannot go, especially at night, unless you take me with you.


Nancy Pelosi's condo

Washington Harbour

3030 K Street NW

Washington DC 20007

(30th and K Streets NW)

Harry Reid's condo


1155 23rd Street NW

Washington DC 20037

(23rd and M Streets NW)

Bob Bauer/Anita Dunn

4413 Stanford Street

Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Tom Daschle's house

2830 Foxhall Road NW

Washington DC 20007

(Feel free to protest!)

August 27, 2010 at 11:32 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Safety and Mores

DC's population includes refugees from every country, as the families of embassy staffs of third world countries tend to stay in DC whenever a revolution in their homeland means that anyone in their family would be in danger if they went back. Most taxi drivers and many waiters/waitresses (especially in local coffee shops like the Bread and Chocolate chain) are immigrants, frequently from east Africa or Arab countries. As a rule, African immigrants do not like for you to assume they are African Americans and especially do not like for you to guess they are from a neighboring country (e.g. Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia) with whom they may have political or military tensions. It's rare to meet anyone who gets really offended, but you can still be aware of the issue.

Many parts of DC are safe beyond the areas I will list here, but why chance it if you don't know where you are?

If you are on the subway stay on the Red line between Union Station and Shady Grove, Maryland. If you are on the Blue or Orange line do not go past Eastern Market (Capitol Hill) toward the Potomac Avenue stop and beyond; stay in NW DC and points in Virginia. Do not use the Green line or the Yellow line. These rules are even more important at night. There is of course nothing wrong with many other areas; but you don't know where you are, so you should not explore them.

If on foot or in a cab or bus, stay in Bethesda, Arlington (preferably north Arlington), Crystal City, Falls Church, Annandale, or Alexandria, or in DC only in northwest DC west (i.e. larger street numbers) of 14th or 16th streets, or if on Capitol Hill only in SE Capitol Hill (zip 20003) between 1st and 8th Streets, not farther out than 8th (e.g. 9th, 10th etc). (Or stay on the Mall and at the various monuments.) Again there are many other lovely places, from the Catholic University of America to Silver Spring, Maryland. But you don't know where you are so you cannot go, especially at night, unless you take me with you.

August 27, 2010 at 11:33 AM 
Anonymous In Excess said...

What the H are you babbling about, anon?

August 27, 2010 at 11:56 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another nut commentating on the short-wave radio from Dick Cheney's bunker.

August 27, 2010 at 1:13 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
To be President of the United States and see no wrong with illegals and have an Auntie remaining here when her visit was up - How can non-action be reconciled?

August 25, 2010 11:34 AM

August 28, 2010 at 11:40 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Excess said...
What the H are you babbling about, anon?

August 27, 2010 11:56 AM

What's with the "H"? You are the babbler... Just like Glenn and Moose Patty Palin.

August 28, 2010 at 11:41 AM 
Anonymous Bear said...

Glenn Beck rally sparks debate over crowd size

By Michael Calderone michael Calderone Mon Aug 30, 11:13 am ET

Glenn Beck rally draws huge crowd

Glenn Beck kicked off Monday's radio show by thanking the many attendees at Saturday's "Restoring Honor" rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial — at least 500,000 by his count. Beck said he's "still waiting on the real number" and plans to look closely during his 5 p.m. Fox News show at photos of the large crowd assembled on the National Mall.

The rally — which took place on the 47th anniversary of Martin Luther King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech at the memorial — drew a good deal of controversy, with civil rights leaders holding a countermarch. But the event largely kept free of overt political references, as Beck (a longtime scourge of the Obama White House) had pledged it would. It stressed religious themes, together with celebrations of noncontroversial virtues such as charity and national service.

Even though Beck is still tabulating a crowd estimate, it can be expected to be significantly higher than the number CBS News reported over the weekend: 87,000.

[Video: Thousands come to D.C. for Beck rally]

CBS commissioned an estimate from AirPhotosLive, a company that provides crowd sizes based on aerial photos. CBS noted that there's a margin of error of plus or minus 9,000. So, by this estimate, there were as few as 78,000 attendees or as many as 96,000.

Unlike CBS, most news organizations balked at getting that specific (or hiring professionals to make a head count). Some media outlets played it safe with "tens of thousands," a count that's indisputable. Others went with "hundreds of thousands." Perhaps the only thing the media agreed on — including this reporter on hand — is that a very large number of people assembled to hear Beck speak.

August 30, 2010 at 12:19 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conservative talk show host Glenn Beck said after his Saturday rally at the Lincoln Memorial that he regrets once having called President Obama a racist who hated white people, and said "not a chance" when asked about the notion of a Beck-Sarah Palin presidential ticket in 2012.

August 30, 2010 at 1:42 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
To be President of the United States and see no wrong with illegals and have an Auntie remaining here when her visit was up - How can non-action be reconciled?

August 25, 2010 11:34 AM

August 28, 2010 11:40 AM


So Bush has an Auntie in the US? He and McCain were both for the path to citizenship for illegals until McCain flip-flopped to win the primary...

August 30, 2010 at 1:44 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Archives spokeswoman Susan Cooper insists that Beck didn't lay a finger on any precious documents, much less George Washington’s inaugural address. That would be a major violation of policy. "Those kinds of treasures are only handled by specially trained archival staff," she explains. Cooper acknowledges that someone at the archives did show the document to Beck, but that was the extent of it. Regarding Beck's claim that he held the document, Cooper says that seeing such documents for the first time can be a very emotional experience. "I'm certain it was a figure of speech," she says.

Cooper is being charitable. Beck's whopper gave his speech more heft and rhetorical flourish. It was high patriotic drama. But his fib stands in stark contrast to the point of the rally, which was all about restoring the principles of courage and honor that the nation was founded upon. In fact, one of Beck’s only prescriptions for fixing the country was to "tell the truth."

September 13, 2010 at 12:45 PM 

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