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Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Bristol Stomp

Get pregnant, get rich. Get nauseated. Only in America. Like mother, like daughter ...

Bristol Palin set to earn up to $30k on the lecture circuit
From the New York Post

Sarah Palin's nineteen-year-old daughter Bristol plans to join her mother on the lucrative speaking circuit and could expect to earn between $15,000 to $30,000 per appearance, People reported Tuesday.

Bristol is now a member of the Single Source Speakers Bureau. According to her profile she is available to speak on "pregnancy prevention, abstinence, faith and life."

Bristol gained notoriety during her mother's 2008 vice-presidential run when it was revealed she was pregnant with then boyfriend Levi Johnston's child.

Bristol previously said that she is financially independent of her parents and is not leaning on her parents for financial help.

"I'm doing it by myself," Bristol told People magazine. "I would say the majority of any paycheck I receive is going to Tripp. Childcare is very expensive, formula is expensive, diapers are expensive -- and you don't think about that as a kid, at all."

Bristol's mother, Sarah, makes frequent appearances at speaking events across the U.S. and has reportedly earned $12 million since she resigned as Governor of Alaska in July 2009.


Anonymous Defrocked Priest said...

Not nice, Gordon. Not nice at all.

May 18, 2010 at 7:47 PM 
Blogger Lisa Mossie said...

This is quite simply just the meanest thing you have ever posted. A post motivated solely by hate. Beneath you. She's a kid who made a mistake. And she's also somebody's daughter.

There but before the grace of God go you and I.

May 19, 2010 at 4:32 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If she wasn't SOMEBODY'S daughter, she would have to struggle and pay for her mistake by a mean and unforgiving "Christian" country. I don't think this is mean or hateful at all. She is going to get more speech than what most single teen moms get per year, working two jobs, just because her last name is Palin?

May 19, 2010 at 8:52 AM 
Anonymous Proud PR said...

Who is Bristol Palin to tell me anything about anything.
I wouldn't pay 30 cents to hear her speak.I
Only in America.
Makes me wanna throw up.
And sorry if that's mean, Lisa Mossie.
But since you're the Queen of Mean, I trust you'll grant some dispensation.

May 19, 2010 at 9:33 AM 
Anonymous Bessie said...

And who is minding the child while this poor little waif who made a mistake traverses the country to preach to choirs?
I guess she can afford a Nanny now, not that she couldn't before with the fees Momma Palin is making to down to dummies who wouldn't know a good cup of hot tea if you poured it over their fool heads.

May 19, 2010 at 9:35 AM 
Anonymous Mary said...

Lisa, Gordon annoys me too and nothing is really beneath him so don't give him credit where it is not due. Still he has a point here. Once Bristol signed on the dotted line she opened herself up to scrutiny of the likes of Gordon Glantz and David Letterman. I dread what Bill Maher is going to do and say about this. She should lead a quiet normal life with her beautiful baby and lead by example.

May 19, 2010 at 11:05 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ed America
Message #85
05/19/10 11:14 AM

Good morning. I googled "teabaggers" and found this:

Just thought I'd share. Sorry in advance about the length of the post...

(The following is copied from the SkepticFriends site, not my words, BTW):

I was researching the Teabagger/(Mad) Tea Party movement on Wikipedia just now, and was looking at the photographs there.

As you may know, may of the images posted at Wikipedia appear small in the articles themselves, but often may be blown up to very high resolution.

I clicked on the first of the article's images, then clicked again to see it at very high (3720 x 2514 pixels) resolution. It's a photo taken at the Teabagger protest in Washington, DC, on September 12, 2009.

I noticed an oddity in the lower-left corner of the image, an upside down printed page, stuck with adhesive tape to the back of a picket sign (see it, highlighted by me in yellow, below):

I took that stuck-on page and made it more readable by first enlarging the area with my OnOne Photoshop plug-in, then rotating the image, applying contrast and brightness controls, and using the "Sharpen More" filter. Here's the result:

Okay, some unknown someone or organization produced a bunch of posters for pickup in DC by a "Janet Allquist."

Naturally, I wanted to know who this Ms. Allquist is. Fortunately Google is my personal friend (and yours, too, if you are nice to it).

Here's Google's results for "Janet Allquist".

Notice the first hit is "Janet Allquist's Page" at FreedomWorks.

Freedom Works is a right-wing non-profit foundation based in Washington, DC. According to Wiki:
FreedomWorks is closely tied to its founder, corporate lobbyist and former Republican Congressman Dick Armey, whose former lobbying firm DLA Piper that he resigned in August 2009, represents Bristol Myers Squibb, among other pharmaceutical companies.

The organization has been accused of "Astroturfing," meaning the practice of using corporate funding to create a false appearance of a spontaneous grass-roots popular movement.

FreedomWorks is funded by "individual contributions" as well as corporate funding from the likes of ATT, Verizon and Philip Morris.

So we may fairly well bet that FreedomWorks, under the influence of Dick Armey, and thanks to big bucks from public utilities and tobacco corporations, made those signs for Janet Allquist to hand to her Teabagger friends. (Also, note the lady holding that sign in the photo, along with several others near her, are wearing FreedomWorks "gimmee" T-shirts.)

Janet Allquist may be (given her cell phone's area code and prefix) from Saint Ann, a suburb outside of Saint Louis, Missouri. Betcha I can guess who paid for her trip to DC with her friends.

Sometimes a little digging uncovers interesting things. And maybe some of you who read this will be inspired to dig deeper than the shallow trench I've dug.

May 19, 2010 at 1:47 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's a hussy who is doing basically the same thing as the ones who go onto Playboy. Selling herself for money. What a crock! Mommy Dearest wants to make everyone else save their eggs and produce after marriage, but Bristol gets a pass. She and her brood are just as lousy as Kate without her 8 money makers.

And Lisa got kicked off the TH when she did her race-baiting thing, so her point is moot.

May 19, 2010 at 1:50 PM 
Blogger Lisa Mossie said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

May 19, 2010 at 3:25 PM 
Blogger Lisa Mossie said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

May 19, 2010 at 4:48 PM 
Blogger Lisa Mossie said...

Oh look, a board full of hypocrites. If Bristol Palin was just some other teenager living in Norristown and her baby daddy deserted her, well, you’d all be just fine sending your tax money in to support her on the welfare state. When conservatives complain or try to do something about liberals’ ruthless expansion of this dependent welfare state, well, then we’re mean, and evil, and in Gordon’s own words, “worried that someone is getting something for nothing.”

But Bristol Palin actually has her own source of income, and somehow that is cause for all of your disgust. What difference does it make to any of you how Bristol Palin makes money, how much money she makes, or who watches her child? None of it—absolutely ZERO dollars are coming out of your pocket to support her because no one is forcing you to see or pay for the opportunity to hear Bristol Palin speak. No one is taking your tax dollars and sending them to support her, either. But somehow, this, to you hypocritical liberals, is bad and worthy only of derision and hate.

I’ll bet not a single one of you geniuses out here, posting anonymously, of course, can come up with a single valid reason why you hate Bristol Palin, or her mother for that matter, other than that reliable old standby, “she’s so stupid’” as if you’re all a such bunch of successful geniuses that you can adequately judge her. In fact, the only reason most of you even hate her is because people like Gordon tell you it’s cool to hate her, so like a bunch of pathetic middle schoolers desperate to fit in with the in-crowd, you go along with the crowd even though you aren’t even sure why.

This is a post motivated solely by seething white hot liberal hate and envy. And every one of you who agrees with it is guilty of it. Bristol Palin is a kid who made a life-changing mistake and is now living with the consequences of that mistake. Although, I’m sure if one of your daughters made the same mistake, you’d just have her scrape it out rather than be “punished” with a baby. I just hope none of you ever has to go through the pain of an ordeal like that, though, based on the glee demonstrated on this board in reveling in the Palin’s very public pain, I’m sure every one of you mean spirited, thoughtless jerks would wish it on me and anyone else who dares to disagree with you.

May 19, 2010 at 5:12 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So we are to celebrate a spoiled brat having relations under her mommy's nose in her mommy's house? And pay her to talk about it? Let's pay people in the real world to talk about this subject. Palin had to pay back money that she charged to Alaska for taking her kids to see their daddy race, along with taking them to functions that they were not invited to attend and asking for reimbursements. Lisa Mossie is a joke with her protests. She is a nasty spewer of hatred for anyone who isn't lock-step in line with her out in the far right field of so-called judgment. Palin's turkey speech, while the turkeys were being slaughtered right behind her, was a joke and shows that this female will do anything to stay past her ONE minute of fame. I'd vote for Tina Fey for VP. Fey has common sense, unlike Palin and Mossie.

So, Mossie, don't go away mad, just go away.


May 21, 2010 at 9:59 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cornyn Disagrees With Palin That Asking A Candidate About His Positions Is A ‘Gotcha’ Tactic

Today on Fox News Sunday, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin joined other conservatives in saying that Kentucky GOP Senate candidate Rand Paul should never have gone on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show because it was a “gotcha” question to ask him about his views on civil rights (which were already the hot topic of the day, before the interview). Palin criticized Maddow, saying she “perhaps had an agenda” and that he should be allowed to freely engage in “a hypothetical discussion” about the Civil Rights Act:

WALLACE: Do you see some similarities to what politicians and the press did to you in the fall of 2008?

PALIN: Yeah, absolutely. So you know, one thing that we can learn in this lesson that I have learned and Rand Paul is learning now is don’t assume that you can engage in a hypothetical discussion about constitutional impacts with a reporter or a media personality who has an agenda, who may be prejudiced before they even get into the interview in regards to what your answer may be — and then the opportunity that they seize to get you.

You know, they’re looking for that gotcha moment. And that’s what it evidently appears to be that they did with Rand Paul, but I’m thankful that he was able to clarify his answer about his support for the Civil Rights Act.

Maddow, despite Palin’s rhetoric, provided Paul a fair forum, giving him approximately 15 minutes to explain his views. Last week, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) also said that Maddow did a “gotcha” interview, claiming, “If I’m walking down the street minding my own business and somebody sticks a microphone under my nose about a law that was passed 40 years ago, without more detail — I think it probably caught him a little bit by surprise.” Of course, Maddow didn’t “stick” a microphone under Paul’s nose; he freely appeared on her show and the issue of the Civil Rights Act was brought up earlier, during an interview Louisville Courier-Journal in Kentucky. At that time, Paul had a very clear opinion on the issue.

Today on NBC’s Meet the Press, however, Cornyn admitted that asking Paul about his positions is fair game:

GREGORY: Don’t you think this is fair game? Questions about his views about the limit and scope of government?

CORNYN: Well, I do think that’s a fair topic, and I’m sure you’ll be hearing extensively from him and all the other candidates over the next six months.

May 24, 2010 at 6:50 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old Palin is at it again. Trying to compare $ received by Obama to linked to BP. If you compare what BP sent to local reps, it is a lot more than what they "gave" to Obama. Palin is probably squawking now, because she didn't get any $ running for seats in Alaska, but the campaign laws restrict getting this type of $, which she, as usual for a quitter and a 2nd place runner-up for beauty queen, doesn't want to mention anything like that. Never mind that the quitter (5 or 6 colleges to get a degree), is raking the tea party over the coals to squeeze about $12 million from them with her turkey calls supporting people like her on the borderline of discrimination.

The National Institute on Money in State Politics, an indispensable source for statehouse reporters, yesterday put together a nice analysis of Sarah Palin's campaign finance reports from her runs for lieutenant governor in 2002 (unsuccessful) and her primary and general gubernatorial races in 2006.

I compared the numbers to her predecessor Frank Murkowski's campaign finance reports from 2002, his last successful run. At the very least, the numbers indicate she ran outside the state GOP establishment, if not against it.

Among the findings:

$1.2m of the total $1.3 million raised in her statewide political career came from individuals. That's not surprising because the state, which has some of the strictest campaign finance laws in the country, bans direct contributions from corporations.

May 24, 2010 at 9:44 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And another one of Palin's endorsements may be biting the dust.

c/o CNN

Today, in what was pitched as a protest against nefarious political maneuverings, former Mark Sanford press secretary Will Folks posted the following on his Web site,

I have become the primary target of a group that will apparently stop at nothing to destroy the one S.C. gubernatorial candidate who, in my opinion, would most consistently advance the ideals I believe in. For those of you unfamiliar with the editorial bent of this website, the candidate I am referring to is S.C. Rep. Nikki Haley.

This network of operatives has made it abundantly clear that in the process of “taking down” Rep. Haley, they will also stop at nothing to humiliate me, destroy my family and take a sizable chunk out of the credibility this website has managed to amass for itself. Such is the blood sport of S.C. politics, I suppose – particularly in the wake of the scandal that consumed my former boss, Gov. Mark Sanford.

Specifically, within the last forty-eight hours several pieces of information which purportedly document a prior physical relationship between myself and Rep. Haley have begun to be leaked slowly, piece by piece, to members of the mainstream media. I am told that at least one story based upon this information will be published this week. Watching all of this unfold, I have become convinced that the gradual release of this information is deliberately designed to advance this story in the press while simultaneously forcing either evasive answers or denials on my part or on Nikki’s part.

I refuse to play that game. I refuse to have someone hold the political equivalent of a switch-blade in front of my face and just sit there and watch as they cut me to pieces.

The truth in this case is what it is. Several years ago, prior to my marriage, I had an inappropriate physical relationship with Nikki.

That’s it.

I will not be discussing the details of that relationship, nor will I be granting any additional interviews about it to members of the media beyond what I have already been compelled to confirm.

It is what it is, and aside from the Haley family – Michael, Nikki, Rena and Nalin – I feel no need to apologize or explain myself to anyone. People are human. We make mistakes. And as I have learned from experience, the key to life isn’t the mistakes we make, it’s how we choose to handle them.

I do owe my wife, Katrina, an apology for failing to disclose certain things that took place prior to our marriage. I know that’s not the technical definition of infidelity, but it is a form of unfaithfulness that has broken the trust between us – a trust which must now be rebuilt. I also owe her an apology for the storm that my family has been facing for the past few weeks, and the storm we will no doubt continue to face in the weeks to come.

May 24, 2010 at 11:05 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another one of Palin's picks bites the dust. LOL... courtesy of CNN:

(CNN) - A Republican congressional candidate in Idaho who was recruited by national Republicans and endorsed by Sarah Palin was defeated Tuesday in a primary election.

Idaho state Representative Raul Labrador topped Vaughn Ward in the battle for the GOP nomination for Idaho's 1st Congressional District.

Ward, an Iraq war veteran who served as a campaign state coordinator for Sen. John McCain's 2008 bid for the White House, was picked as a candidate for the National Republican Congressional Committee's "Young Gun's" program. He greatly outraised Labrador in the race for campaign cash, and Palin, the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee who was born in Idaho, joined Ward at a rally last week.

But Ward apparently damaged his bid in recent weeks, allegedly plagiarizing from a speech President Barack Obama made at the 2004 Democratic convention. He also mistakenly alluded that Puerto Rico was a country during a recent debate.

May 26, 2010 at 7:21 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stan is afraid and is blowing off steam on his form of tea partying... I posted, but don't think he will like it, so he may not post it... but here it is:

Stan, you are really stupid to be brainwashed by your tea party ideals. Poor people aren't sitting on their rears, waiting to get your money. I really think you need a brain transplant. There are people working two and three jobs just to make it in this world. I did and so did people I know. You sit here on your "blog" linked to the times herald and try to lecture people. Just because one teacher's union is asking for 6 percent, doesn't mean that they will get it. I've been in negotiations on both sides of the table. Management offers 0 to 1 percent raise and the union asks for a lot more. They usually get the middle range if that, and after the MOU is signed, management gets that and more. You are wrong and you know it. This is the only place where you can play king-of-the-world, and take your ball home if you don't like what someone says. I know of posters who never see their posts because you can't stand the truth.

June 9, 2010 at 5:08 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another tea party candidate... What does Palin have to say about this?

In the fourth major mainstream media report discussing Billy Roper’s write-in campaign for Governor of Arkansas in the last week, the Kansas City Star has unveiled a feature about the Tea Party Movement which quotes him prominently.

Billy Roper is a write-in candidate for governor of Arkansas and an unapologetic white nationalist.

“I don’t want non-whites in my country in any form or fashion or any status,” he says.

Roper also is a tea party member who says he has been gathering support for his cause by attending tea party rallies.

“We go to these tea parties all over the country,” Roper said. “We’re looking for the younger, potentially more radical people.”

July 16, 2010 at 5:56 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Facebook note recently posted by Sarah Palin in which the former GOP vice presidential candidate called the planned mosque near Ground Zero "an intolerable and tragic mistake" was deleted from the social networking site -- apparently by Facebook users who reported the note as "racist/hate speech."

The note was originally posted on July 20 but disappeared; Palin reposted it today, with an addendum saying. "The original post of this statement (on July 20, 2010) was somehow unintentionally deleted by mistake or technical glitch."

However, it seems that the "deletion" was actually caused by Facebook users who reported Palin's note as containing "racist/hate speech." There was at least one campaign on Tumblr to have users report Palin's note.

Tumblr blogger "moneyries" -- also known as Brian Ries, a freelance contributor to NBC New York orchestrated one such campaign -- posted on July 22: "Sarah Palin's Facebook note 'has either been deleted, or does not exist.' SHE HAS BEEN REFUDIATED!!!"

July 23, 2010 at 12:45 PM 

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