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Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word

Bernie Madoff -- a disgrace to my race -- says he is "deeply sorry and ashamed" for bilking billions from "investors" in a Ponzi scheme that would even make Mr. Ponzi (whoever he is) blush.

Why is that these guy are only "sorry" after the fact?

Do handcuffs elicit contrition? (hey, I like that line ... maybe I'll use it in a song, so don't swipe it)

If he's really that filled with remorse, maybe he'll tell us where all the money -- surely earmarked for his wife -- is stashed.

He wouldn't do that.

Then he would be truly sorry.


Blogger tlees2 said...

His wife has $72 million in cash, plus the 7 million dollar place in Manhattan. Maybe she can give Ellie Weisel back the $32 million her husband stole from him.

March 12, 2009 at 5:21 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gordon, why the 'disgrace to my race' stuff? Let it go dude. Your Jewish. Three cheers for you.

March 13, 2009 at 9:02 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our Pastor told our Son, when he was going through his divorce..."Live the best life you can...You never can change another persons life-style...Happiness is not guaranteed nor is riches." Now, after following Madoff's investing scheme,he more than likely thought why not go for it, we only live once and "the best life you can"... is how he really did live.

March 14, 2009 at 3:49 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the news our Government has not learned from their failure when it came to doing the right thing for people and businesses. We, the Government, are now going to take over failing companies and reorganize them...say what?? How in the heck did we get into this mess?? It was when OUR GOVERNMENT told companies how to run their slack-off so more people would purchase their products. Now we have new people on both sides that have another great idea - let the Government take over and handle the business??

I know about a new person needs to show the need for his being chosen and his ability to TRY SOMETHING NEW, but really we do not need to have more people trying to make a name for themself with OUR MONEY and if doesn't work - TRY SOMETHING ELSE. NO, not this time OBAMA, IT HAS TO BE A SURE THING, DO THE PAPER WORK BEFORE SIGNING ANYTHING. Thank You !!

March 30, 2009 at 3:53 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While visiting in Maine last month, the conversation around the dinner table was "investments" & "Madoff". I never had the dollars these people were talking about, Thank You! I fear my only concern right now, if I had money Madoff invested for me, would be is there enough dollars left to pay any taxes that are due and that little box to hold my ashes.

April 2, 2009 at 3:26 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our President sure knew what he was doing when he placed Biden in the position of watching where all the money is being spent that was handed over to various the fox watching the hen house. As a homeowner in Delaware, he certainly will love all corporations that have their Home Office in Delaware and know "Tax Havens" & "Out Sourcing" - make sure there isn't any change for them. Yes, that is the way the cookie crumbles.

April 15, 2009 at 11:01 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another person who should say sorry is that Lisa Mossie. Her STUPID column about Sharpton and Jackson "race baiting" is the typical response by people who want to hold back people of color. Mossie is throwing the "Al/Jesse" card! Sure, some of their cases backfired when it was discovered that a person lied, but the same thing goes on and on with the "establishment" knowing that they are covering up lies to justify their actions. Can we say NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION FOUND? AND DEREGULATION? However, they were in the trenches to try to get equal rights for all U.S, citizens! And, there still is work to do! There was a caller who because he thought he was talking to a White person, due to the last name sounding like a "White" name, decided to talk about Black people using the n-word. And he called a government agency! And the RNC sponsored tea parties had people calling for the lynching of others and had racist depictions of President Obama! Just like DHS described, the right-wing extremists came out of their KKK camps! Mossie sure seems to fit that bill, too! She has a sick obsession and the publisher of this newspaper needs to rein her in soon!

April 17, 2009 at 10:34 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved the "Tea Party" ... Free from Taxation... Now, instead of complaining about Lisa and what gets her going... Get out the vote and make your Township a better place, which in turn will make our Counties better, which will make our State better and guess what??? You will feel good about yourself and we will have only truthful people running Our Federal Government.

April 18, 2009 at 11:46 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did work to get out the vote and because President Obama was elected and not selected like bush, poor wittle lisa turns to the same thing as rush oxycontin limbaugh and newt adulterer (while going after clinton and never admitted having an affair at the same time) gingrich, as well as the tea party idiots - i.e., race baiting, and other scare tactics. If the tabloid herald wants to allow such racism, I will protest the best way that I can and get the word out about lisa's racism.

April 19, 2009 at 12:01 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do believe the "Tea Party" and "Taxation" is only geared toward the "Wealthy"... From you statements I do not believe you are one of them...Obamas & Clintons are not complaining about the "Tea Party" or the new "Taxation", because it is fair. Let the have-nots do all the demonstrating and leg work for the wealth, it sounds good to me and the pitance they are paid will keep them going until the next gig.

April 19, 2009 at 3:42 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4/19- Stop now before you have a blow-out. If some entries in newspapers bother you, then find something that is of interest. I for one, like to read all thoughts on many subjects and Gordy and Lisa are direct opposits, so they are interesting and I will continue to read. You really need to get back to a simmer.

April 19, 2009 at 3:46 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4/19- Stop now before you have a blow-out. If some entries in newspapers bother you, then find something that is of interest. I for one, like to read all thoughts on many subjects and Gordy and Lisa are direct opposits, so they are interesting and I will continue to read. You really need to get back to a simmer.

April 19, 2009 3:46 PM


Don't know who you're posting to, but it is better to know who you're dealing with and if this paper wants to allow the undertone of racism, then I am not going to ignore it like some people do. Lisa is not just the opposite, she is like a rabid fox who got thrown out of the hen house and tries to use the same tactics that her savior "Dubya" used to put this country down the tubes. Oh, Weapons of Mass Destruction are being made in Iraq!... and how much did it cost to find out that there were none? "Dubya" expressed disappointment, and didn't have the guts to say he was wrong. And Lisa's comments of race-baiting just goes to show that she is in league with the devil. Going on an offense, and being offensive while expecting people to fall in line because she is the "truth and light" and will lead everyone out of this recession if we only listen to her. Well, I'm not buying it or Stan's nonsense in their attacks on President Obama. And, I'd like to thank Jane Murray, whose letter to the "editor" (which was right above Stan's column today), was right on target about the pork and the tea parties. Stan had the parties covered? Yeah, right! I saw the coverage on the real news and they showed the extremists and the racist posters, too. How come Stan's "coverage" didn't reveal that? Because it was a cover-up, not coverage! Same old stuff that goes on all the time in Montgomery County. Stan is blowing off steam about President Obama, but no comment, when you look deeper and discover who's getting the pork. Sarah Palin is covered with grease from all the Federal earmarks, and so are others. So, Stan should report all or nothing, otherwise, he is just a hypocrite like Lisa, who is also a racist as far as I am concerned, which is just the tip of the iceberg! And the word is getting out about this non-service to the community!

April 20, 2009 at 9:39 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We here in PA have one great representative and he represents Pittsburg Area. Now you talk about earmarks? Bite your tongue or PA will go down the tube along with all the extra money promised for Roads and Bridges. Rendell has his plate full to over-flowing with "Gaming" and the legals or illegals that run the operations. Sorry you were not satisfied with the "Tea Party" coverage - enough is enough - I have checked other newspapers, that are not LOCAL NEWSPAPERS, and what they saw that was of interest to them made the activity as a whole, just a day in the sun.

April 20, 2009 at 10:12 AM 

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