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Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Boogie Shoes

He didn’t get why many questioned the correlation between Sept. 11 and invading Iraq. He didn’t get why doing a fly-by over Katrina-ravaged New Orleans wasn’t sufficient. He didn’t get why leasing port security to Dubai seemed like a sick joke. He didn’t get why tax breaks to the rich – over and over and over again – were not A-OK with the common folk. He didn’t get why we weren’t going to just swallow the concept of his glorified personal assistant, Harriet Miers, as a Supreme Court justice.

And these are just the glaring low-lights of the last eight years of ineptitude.

So it only stood to reason that when an Iraqi journalist hurled his shoes – instead of lobbing softballs -- at him last Sunday at a press conference in the war-torn country, he didn’t get it.

In a follow-up interview on ABC, he said he “didn’t know what the guy’s beef was” and shrugged when he said “I guess he just wanted to get on TV.”

While there is no condoning the actions, it was kind of nice to see that there are still journalists who think outside the box.

His “beef” was fairly obvious – at least to those of us who “get it.” He said it was doing it for the “widows and orphans.”

And since the guy is in the television business already, his true reason for throwing shoes was an ultimate sign of disrespect.

Since the time we invaded Iraq on a whim and a prayer, needless casualties to Iraqi civilians number in the tens of thousands.

For He Whose Name Shall Not Be Written (or spoken) to visit the country with that stupid smirk on his face as he pretends that putting casts on a fractured infrastructure is sign that he done good, is seen as an insult.

That was the journalist’s “beef” and that’s why President Lame Duck was starring down the soles of the dude’s shoes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

President Lame "Duck"! LOL!

December 16, 2008 at 7:09 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's too bad the custom isn't to throw bricks. He who doesn't understand the disgust is in need of enlightenment.

December 17, 2008 at 10:24 AM 
Blogger tlees2 said...

In the NY Times Kristoff suggested that since a Saudi has offered $10 million for only one of those shoes, we could get out of economic trouble by having Bush tour the world giving a series of press conferences. To prevent injuries only people wearing slippers would be admitted. We could then sell the millions of thrown slippers for trillions of dollars eliminating our debt :)

December 17, 2008 at 3:50 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a real shame that president-select shrub's insane reason (now proven WRONG!) for invading Iraq was WMD's, which he now blames on faulty intelligence, has caused real Americans serving in Iraq and risking their lives to have shoes thrown at them as the ultimate insult of that country.

Then Condescending Rice has the nerve to say historians are wrong and shrub's record will be proven right in the future. Just the same arrogance that the cardiac kid had in saying shrub can push the red button anytime without getting prior approval.

And, some people (very few) still don't get it and say shrub was a great president.

"You're doing a great job Brownie" to a man with no emergency management skills, just a horse judge, while people starved and died in the wake of Katrina.

4,000+ coffins and thousands maimed in the Iraq fiasco.

Hundreds of thousands out of work, homeless with a recession over a year old and clueless shrub ignored warnings about the subprime mess that collapsed the economy.

Mission Accomplished? Maybe for the cardiac kid's Halliburton company. But, I have to say that the US people can say Mission Accomplished on 1/20/09 when the whorehouse becomes the White House again with adults running the country instead of an irresponsible baby tyrant!

January 17, 2009 at 5:12 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lame Duck - Dodging the shoe -- Good for a Laugh.
Former State Senator Fumo - Statement that he knew the Republicans in Washington were after him -- If Feds are after you, that isn't slightly funny.

Talk about the Smug Look!

February 18, 2009 at 10:41 AM 

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