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Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm Still Standing

Getting into the holiday spirit

Never wanting to be a slave unto another man's calendar, I've always created my own holidays for happenings such as the release of a new album or to properly mourn a painful Eagles' loss that might make me so mad that I'd pull a gun on another motorist.

A lot of you are not as creative. You are off tomorrow and you are not even giving a second thought - let alone a first - as to why.

As you are shopping for half-price toasters and 2-for-1 schmatas, you are armed with fliers with pictures of our two most famous presidents. Hence, you know the holiday has something to do with them.

Yes, next up on the list of holidays with diminished importance in our culture is something we call Presidents' Day.

And in keeping with the faint holiday spirit, I have culled together the following lists of the five best and worst presidents in the short-but-intriguing history of our nation:

Five Best

5) Bill Clinton - That's right, Bill Clinton. There was an episode of Star Trek where Captain Kirk, as Captain Kirk was apt to do, became a literal star-crossed lover in a long-distance relationship doomed to fail. To help ease his heartbreak, Spock put his hand over Kirk's bowed head and said "forget." If Spock came out of retirement from his over-155 retirement community on Vulcan and made you all forget the Monica Lewinsky situation, how would Clinton's presidency be evaluated? If it were allowable to run for more than two terms, he would have won again. But we don't do that here. We don't have kings. Or do we?

4) Theodore Roosevelt - Sure, he told some tall tales about his military service, but he was still "fit to serve" as president at a crucial time in our history when a growing number of immigrants were ripe for exploitation. Teddy was a big man for the "little man," as he was influenced by the heroic muckrakers (journalists and writers who endeavored to unmask empire-like businesses, their arrogant abuses and the corrupt politicians who enabled them). That's enough to crack my Big Five any day.

3) George Washington - There are a lot of myths surrounding the father of our country - the largest being that he, and he alone, is the father of our country (the legacies of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine should demand DNA tests) - but he is the first true American hero. And GW set the bar high. They could've and would've called him king, but he knew that's not why he had fought the Revolutionary War - winning with France's help - and refused that title.

2) Abraham Lincoln - Tough call not putting honest Abe No. 1. The only thing keeping him from that top spot was that thorny issue of having half the nation hate his guts. Then again, they did so because he threatened a lifestyle that went against everything in this country's intended blueprint. A lesser man would have left us with a fractured America.

1) Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Guided us through The Great Depression and most of World War II. Elected to a third term out of necessity, FDR proved the adage that it all starts at the top and trickles down from there. "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." You can say that again. Go ahead, say it.

Notably Missing: John F. Kennedy. Whenever you are a public figure and die young, your legacy will morph into one of mystique. Yes, his election also broke down some barriers, as he was the first Catholic president (still waiting on the first black and/or Jew). However, a closer look reveals that the most fascinating part of the short-lived "Camelot" presidency of our first "rock star president" is the mystery surrounding his assassination.

Five Worst

5) Ronald Reagan - That's right, Ronald Ray-Gun. Forgetting the fact that, due to early Alzheimer's, he probably didn't know how to put on his own socks during the final years of his presidency, Reagan laughably gets almost sole credit for ending the Cold War. He also gets credit here for making the middle class nonexistent with policies that created two Americas that Clinton valiantly tried to re-link.

4) Jimmy Carter - Whenever I get into a worthy debate with an endangered species known as an independent-thinking Republican, they always nail me when they throw the peanut farmer in my face. Thanks, Jimmy. For you, there is no defense.

3) William Henry Harrison - Who? Enough said.

2) James Buchanan - The only president from our state was an abject failure whose efforts to quell North-South tensions leading up to the Civil War were, at best, lame. He was wishy-washy on the issue of slavery, saying he was against it while appeasing Southerners by saying the practice was somehow protected under the Constitution. He also wanted to purchase Cuba, which would have given us some great baseball players and another place to vacation, but another slave state.

1) XXXXXX X. XXXX - I refuse to use his name, but you know the guy all too well. Just go to the "Internets" and search "miserable failure" on "the Google." There is only one president with the distinction of popping right up (even if it's full of explanations why he no longer pops right up). Not near a computer? OK ... here's more. He is the son of another ineffective president - and we're not talking about John and John Quincy Adams - and he has a brother or two who may want to grow up to be president one day also. But don't worry, we don't have kings or royal families in this country. Or do we?

Notably Missing: Richard Nixon. He said he wasn't a crook and he was a crook, leaving us with what was actually an overdue widespread mistrust of national politicians who, as Woody Allen's character Alvy Singer put it in the movie Annie Hall are "one notch below child molester" in society's moral pecking order. If he hadn't gotten caught, Nixon would have gone down as an above-average president. Since he did, let's just slot him in at below-average and leave it at that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to call you the nutty history professor.
Stick to football, you fool!

February 18, 2009 at 7:59 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really need to get a life other than trying to place Presidents in the order you feel they should fall as to their importance.
Hoover,FDR,Truman,Eisenhower, JFK and Johnson I feel shaped our lives here in the USA,before, during and after WWII and they were very trying times that had an impact on my family and many villages and towns here in PA. We now have too much Government in our private lives because of FDR. We all should learn to live within our means and not expect the government to take care of us, because we wish to live like the Jones Family. Get a good education, even if it means one course at a time at the local Community College or Trade School. The ability to take care of yourself and have skills that are needed in a community or home will make a few dollars to help tide you over rough spots in your lifetime. If necessary, we should be willing to leave our family and work in another location during the week and come home for a weekend. Many Professionals and Truck Drivers do exactly that so their children are not uprooted and the money flow is there and government help isn't needed. Say No to Obama's free offers, unless there is NO WAY for you to make a living for yourself and if planning to get married make sure you do not start a family until you can support them. Now, which President on your list would have given out advise as the above that would be permitted by either Party?
Now, that is only part of why we are where we are because the outside world enters into our government and the financial market and sleeze politicians get away without paying taxes shoddy loans and mistreatment of employees that say nothing because they fear their jobs will be lost. Why?? Because they can was one answer!

February 18, 2009 at 3:56 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a good list!

February 18, 2009 at 9:09 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Anonymous! We may be old, but it is true government is taking over our lives and our children are paying for all of the things we really do not need. A more simple life is best. To live longer? How long? In what condition? No thanks!

February 19, 2009 at 12:44 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly where did you get all the information on various Presidents and happenings during,prior and after their term ended? Don't tell me Google. You need to go back in history and research each individual and events before spouting off. Try reading the Times Herald's Old Editions for a start.

February 19, 2009 at 3:51 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the Blogosphere, Glantz. Ain't it grand?

February 19, 2009 at 5:48 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How are things going now in Gordy's Village? The closing of Guantanamo is a big mistake. Obama needs to rethink this decision. Remember the Bay of Pigs during the Kennedy Administration? We were lucky our Marines were in charge of Guantanamo, and which Reserve Units spent their summer training camp in Puerto Rico - our Norristown Reservers were among the Units sent. On another note, the stimulus package that our leader(s), namely Obama and his great thinking tank, should consider, before giving out all that money, is how about giving some funds to help our returning Troops get a job or start training programs for those that were in the service and have been discharged. After WWII, we had very big problems, it was good/bad luck we had the Korean War going on. This is something to think on when ranking Presidents.

February 20, 2009 at 8:44 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly why were you speaking about just one Pres. when it came to morals & being untruthful and likened it to be as W.Allen's character one step below Child Molestation? Maybe you would like to rethink that statement and included one more current Pres. that had problems since he was a young man and was rewarded the Positions of Governor and then President.

February 20, 2009 at 11:00 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I imagine you are now ready to collapse listening to CNN regarding Wall Street and when our economy has been this "BAD" - it dates back to over 10 years. Really! Check your investments and see how much interest you earned during that period when he was in office. Yes, out of debt for US, but the little guy's savings for his retirement was down,down. Now, check the gentlemen who recently stated that it was in the "Bush Administration" we had middle class problems. Well, that is another story about the not to be mentioned era.

February 27, 2009 at 2:37 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm Still Standing?? Well you may think your upright, but we all are a little bent over, due to the Housing and Banking-Wall Street Gangsters' over-building and over-lending. I remain with our local bank in Chester County that has not over-extended its self. You know, if there isn't any ready cash available - we can not give a loan, it is just good business sense. "A good friend is not a borrower or a lender" - put that in your quote book...back as far as Hoover would be the correct era.

February 28, 2009 at 11:09 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Anonymous it would be great if all people would live within their means (Paycheck). There is a saying "Don't have someone do the work you are capable of doing yourself" - would go a long way in todays climate. Look at the Dow today, 3/2 and you will see it is back down to when the "Clinton Administration" was claming that "You Never Had It So Good" - Really? Why was that?

March 2, 2009 at 3:19 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm Still Standing" should have included Eisenhower. He had the right idea about what really needed to be done to help our economy... Inter-state Highway System and the illegals...send them back to Mexico or wherever they came from to create jobs for our returning service men/women. This is something Obama should be thinking on now - not in 2010. This operation under Eisenhower worked it was called "Operation Wetback". Now, how will this fit into our new love relations with Cuba? Will the USA once again support Illegals because it would make us appear to be unkind? In other countries illegals would have them in jail - not on our welfare rolls.
This is an old Post - but I just happen to be home today, this is a great opportunity to read comments.

April 14, 2009 at 12:03 PM 

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