This had to be a tough week for the Republican Media Blitzkrieg — no matter what spin cycle they tried to use.
First, their loathed biracial liberal president, Barack Obama, sends "subliminal socialist messages" to America's schoolchildren. Ouch. Then, he dares to hit one out of the park when addressing Congress on health care. Some moronic congressman from South Carolina further embarrasses the right by spontaneously combusting and yelling out a brilliant "you lie" (this, from the party that fed us the "weapons of mass destruction" folly). As a result, his November opponent has gained traction. Sweet ... another seat for the good guys.
Meanwhile, Sonia Sotomayor — a Hispanic female — takes her place on the U.S. Supreme Court, where we can only hope she proves she is wiser than white males.
The cherry on top? Sept. 11 comes and Obama vows to hunt down al-Qaida. What's the world coming to? Nothing to grab on to — at all.
The world, or at least our corner of it, has clearly turned — to the left.
Nothing you can do about it, except watch the Faux News Network and keep on kidding yourselves at those laughable Tea Parties that make Star Trek conventions look like where the hip crowd hangs out.