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Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hold On (I'm Coming)

Specter says he's switching from GOP to Dems (see below for G2's spin):

WASHINGTON – Veteran Republican Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania disclosed plans Tuesday to switch parties, a move intended to boost his chances of winning re-election next year that also will push Democrats within one seat of a 60-vote filibuster-resistant majority.

"I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans," Specter said in a statement posted on a Web site devoted to Pennsylvania politics and confirmed by his office. Several Senate officials said a formal announcement was expected later in the day or Wednesday.

President Barack Obama called Specter almost immediately after he was informed of the decision to say the Democratic Party was "thrilled to have you," according to a White House official.

Specter, 79 and in his fifth term, is one of a handful of Republican moderates remaining in Congress in a party now dominated by conservatives. Several officials said secret talks that preceded his decision reached into the White House, involving both Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden, a longtime colleague in the Senate. Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell as well as Democratic leaders in Congress also were involved, added the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to disclose details.

With Specter, Democrats would have 59 Senate seats. Democrat Al Franken is ahead in a marathon recount in Minnesota, and if he ultimately wins his race against Republican Norm Coleman, he would become the party's 60th vote. That is the number needed to overcome a filibuster.

Specter faced an extraordinarily difficult re-election challenge in his home state in 2010, having first to confront a challenge from his right in the Republican primary before pivoting to a general

Specter has long been one of the most durable politicians of either party in Pennsylvania. In recent years, he has battled Hodgkin's disease, a cancer of the lymphatic system, but maintains a busy schedule that includes daily games of squash.

As one of the most senior Republicans in the Senate, Specter held powerful positions on the Judiciary and Appropriations committees. It was not clear how Democrats would calculate his seniority in assigning committee perches.

Specter has long been an independent Republican, and he proved it most recently when he became one of only three members of the GOP in Congress to vote for Obama's economic stimulus legislation.

A senior White House official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because no announcement has yet been made, said at 10:25 a.m. EDT Tuesday President Barack Obama was handed a note while in the Oval Office during his daily economic briefing. The note said: "Specter is announcing he is changing parties." At 10:32, Obama reached Specter by phone and told him "you have my full support" and that the Democratic Party is "thrilled to have you."

G2's take:

I'm reminded of "The Godfather." Although it is known that Calo set up Santino (Sonny) to be killed, Michael lets Carlo think he's going to have prominent role in the family's Las Vegas operation. Michael also agrees to be the godfather for Carlo and Connie son's. After the ceremony, he tells Carlo to go right back to his house. He meets him there and lays it on the line.

"You're still going to have to answer for Santino, Carlo," Michael calmy says.

Tearfully, and under the false impression that his life will be spared, Carlo admits what Michael already knew. He had helped Barzini set up Santino to be killed.

Then, Carlo meets his end.

So,Arlen Specter wants to be a Democrat?

You still have to answer for the single-bullet theory, Arlen.

If you can't -- or won't -- do it, I guess your political career is as dead as Carlo when he kicked the windshield while Fat Clemenza strangled him from the backseat.

If you admit the error of your ways and ask forgiveness ... welcome aboard.


Anonymous Bobby Baccala said...

Leave the gun, take the Canoli!

April 28, 2009 at 2:10 PM 
Anonymous I. M. Impish said...

Gordon - I'm impressed. You are not just going along with this sham like a zombie. I guess you have to sleep on it first.

April 28, 2009 at 2:13 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is Oh No! We thought we had smooth sailing and our Senator would drop out, like retire. Now, he is one of us...???

April 28, 2009 at 2:43 PM 
Anonymous Thomas said...

Like Gordon said, he still has to answer for the magic bullet. He helped in the cover-up in the killing of a Dem icon. Better sit in the waiting room, Arlen, while we sort this baby out.

April 29, 2009 at 9:28 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Politicians are like some church goers... C & E attendance. Well, it looks like we have representatives that are D for four years and R for four years & then it just depends who makes more noise in the papers and TV. You know "be a part of the IN CROUD".

April 29, 2009 at 12:22 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous - Haste makes for spelling errors. I believe you were meaning to say CROWD, or maybe CRUDE might fit some of these people.

April 29, 2009 at 12:28 PM 
Anonymous Very Mad said...

Specter has a lot more to answer for than the single bullet theory. How about the years of stradling the fence?

April 30, 2009 at 9:34 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of US! Your Governor and VP that cozied up with him for the last many years, helped him see the light again. Arlen was a Dem. and only when he switched to Rep. did he make a name for himself. Now, check out the smiley faces that are in the background of all photo-ops. We must believe he never really changed parties - it was just a facade and his fellow Dem. that were close to him knew this. So, if he wins this next election, we need to be watchful for a crack in the facade.

April 30, 2009 at 11:48 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Arlen Specter has switched back to the Democratic side. Putting up with those goose stepping hypocrites like oxycontin Limbaugh, adulterer Gingrich, earmark queen Palin, and the rest of those losers is enough to make anyone with common sense want to leave the greedy old party. He is the only Republican that I ever voted for in the past.

May 1, 2009 at 6:33 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Arlen has looked in the mirror and said this is not me - for so many years I have been pretending to be what I am not (hypocrisy). Now that I am in my fourth stage of life, I need to be truthful. Sorry it took so long Arlen,you sure had me believing you were sincere. Mr. Bechtel, & Mr. Hess sure were fooled too here in Montgomery County - their fourth stage has ended and they have passed, but your image will go down as the "Great Imitator"

May 1, 2009 at 11:29 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5/1: Why are you so involved with men that do not fit into your Party nor do they wish to? Turn off your TV/Radio when Limbaugh is on your favorite station and for heavens sake, don't read his articles. You and your Party are entitled to your own opinion and he will forever spout what he believes is true. As for Gingrich - What is your problem? I do believe we have had enough "Leaders of your Party" that have had their roll in the fields or in Washington, DC Federal Offices too. Get real and start to plan the next election, as the Dem. now or will have the majority that for so many years have been only on the wish list.

May 2, 2009 at 2:49 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Posted on Stan's blog, but he is too much of a coward to show posts that I have written in the past about the Republicans always being cozy and ignoring the hypocrisies like Limbaugh.
Wildebeast1 wrote on May 8, 2009 8:44 AM:
" All parts of the DA's office should be above politics as any law enforcement department must be.

State employees are prohibited from campaigning for state elected officials because public money would indirectly be used to assist in a campaign giving the incumbent a huge advantage.

The size of the department has nothing to do with the willingness of an elected official to sideslip their employees efforts and money raising capacity to perpetuate their holding an office. But in the converse, could an employee within the office oppose the incumbent without intimidation?

Both the DA's office and the police have the power to use their special power to intimidate, even when they are not trying to intimidate. Political intimidation for any purpose of campaigning is abusive to the democratic process particularly when money raising is an issue. "
As quoted by one "registered" poster, and I agree. Risa and Caster are both trying to cement their feet in the door to advance their party over the actual innocence of the little guy. Lies and innuendos have been prevalent and people end up staying silent, just like the ones targeted through the patriot act and illegal wire taps, etc. There are no ethics in Risa's little klan, and it is only the beginning as Caster started this ride on a very slippery slope.

By the way, where is the link if you register to post and it doesn't work?

May 12, 2009 at 7:35 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5/1: Why are you so involved with men that do not fit into your Party nor do they wish to? Turn off your TV/Radio when Limbaugh is on your favorite station and for heavens sake, don't read his articles. You and your Party are entitled to your own opinion and he will forever spout what he believes is true. As for Gingrich - What is your problem? I do believe we have had enough "Leaders of your Party" that have had their roll in the fields or in Washington, DC Federal Offices too. Get real and start to plan the next election, as the Dem. now or will have the majority that for so many years have been only on the wish list.

May 2, 2009 2:49 PM

Why should I put my head in the sand and ignore an extremist like limbaugh? It's better to know your "enemies" as limbaugh is obviously a real nut that can rile up the other nuts out there with guns. Those idiots with the sign in Texas who murdered a little boy off-roading with his family are just the types that President Obama described as clinging to their guns. They killed that boy who wasn't even on their property! And, I think that is exactly why mcsame lost, along with the recession (that started in 2007) and the mortgage warnings in 2005 that president-select bush ignored.

You want to ignore "men". I will not ignore them or those idiots of the other gender like Michelle Bachmann.

ssdd in Montco 5-12-09 10:43 a.m.

May 12, 2009 at 7:43 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Arlen! We now have a Congressman here in the 7th that believes he has all the answers and would like to replace you. As one blogger, this week, stated the government will guide our lives and the military will keep us safe, here and abroad. But, the other note was that the hasbeens, retired from the military, will be the most troublesome if this should happen, because how they see civilization is not as we do that are not military. I gave this much thought lately and believe Veterans Affairs would be a great fix for the two men retired from the military, but not as a Senator. Be careful who you believe. Do your own thinking and read between the lines for your sake and our state & country as a whole.

May 16, 2009 at 10:21 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those idiots out there with hurt people. But, there are plenty of gun carrying citizens that have permits to do so. As for the outrage about shooting and those that protest for various reasons and have permits to carry a gun, there isn't too much you can do about that. If you have any clout with the Governors of all states that permit guns to be carried with a permit, have them make sure if there is a permit issued for a protest/march that they may not do both - protest/march & carry a gun. This would be one way to keep the public safe. As for Limbaugh - I never listened to him or saw him on TV, just like many talking heads that try to rattle our cages.

May 16, 2009 at 4:06 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sailing, Sailing days are over and now we have One Senator that wishes to replace our newly Dem. Senator, I believe he is in his late 50s'and retired from the Navy with full pension, but not out to pasture, but in his fourth quarter of life as our present Senator. A Senator's Term is 6 years. Do you really believe his run for the Senate now is oh so important rather than giving his full attention to the completion of his present position as Congressman? I do think his completion as our Congressman would be the best move and if Senator Spector is unable to complete his term, that is when he and the other Congressman, also a retired military man, that is also interested in this position should step forward. I also believe our Congressman should show his ability to plan and carry out civilian projects, not just a wish list, other than Military that we have trained him to do.

May 17, 2009 at 9:30 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sailing, Sailing 5/17
Are you speaking about our Congressman Sestak? Well, he spent quite a few days and hours campaigning with our Governor last year. So, now he believes the Senate Seat is a part-time or only when it is convenient position? I would hope not. If he has any intention of running for the Senate Seat, he should resign now so we can replace this man with someone that really cares to give it (the job of Congressman) his all. There are quite a few "Blues" that are more suitable and capable of filling this position right now. A few here on the East Coast did serve in the military, but their service, of note, government in their state and foreign policy.

May 22, 2009 at 8:27 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Close down that camp! The detainees did what to the USA? How many were killed in NY, Washington and PA? What type of treatment would you suggest? They can be rehabilitated? By the standards set by which person or nation? I do believe this camp should never be closed. It is a life sentence as far as I'm concerned. I have no guilty feelings when it comes to those that were involved in 9/11 or associated with the group that carried out the attack being kept behind bars outside of the mainland of the USA. This area served the USA well, as most adults remember the Marines stationed there during the missile crisis. Well, this little part of Cuba needs to remain as is, a Prison, for those that will never set foot on the USA soil that they tried to destroy or go back to their homeland.
Mr. Sestak make sure our President does not receive any money to carry out his plan to close this camp. We do not want them here in OUR COUNTRY. Your vote was incorrect on this subject last week.

May 24, 2009 at 3:51 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We do not need a Senator that has his own agenda to replace Specter. We have watched how a smaller military does not work when unwanted happenings here or abroad requires American participation. The UN is trying their best to fill the ranks at many troubled spots. If the UN is to succeed, we must consistantly contribute Troops, planes,military armour that suits the situation. I do not believe the type of planes used in Afghanistan and Iraq should be changed unless we do not intend to fight another war such as these two. As for the ships, some smaller ships are needed, but carriers are a must with helicopters and various types of planes onboard. The need for landing facilities at sea are need when conflicts break out - time is a luxury that the Armed Forces do not have.

May 27, 2009 at 11:14 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't blame Specter changing, especially when liars like Bush, Cheney and Condeleeza Rice just keep trying to cover their butts! Now another guy says Cheney is a liar:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, says former Vice President Dick Cheney's claims -- that classified CIA memos show enhanced interrogation techniques like waterboarding worked -- are wrong.
Former VP Dick Cheney has been a vocal defender of Bush-era interrogation techniques.

Former VP Dick Cheney has been a vocal defender of Bush-era interrogation techniques.

Levin, speaking at the Foreign Policy Association's annual dinner in Washington on Wednesday, said an investigation by his committee into detainee abuse charges over the use of the techniques -- now deemed torture by the Obama administration -- "gives the lie to Mr. Cheney's claims."

The Michigan Democrat told the crowd that the two CIA documents that Cheney wants released "say nothing about numbers of lives saved, nor do the documents connect acquisition of valuable intelligence to the use of abusive techniques."

"I hope that the documents are declassified, so that people can judge for themselves what is fact, and what is fiction," he added.

Justice Department documents released in April showed that Bush administration lawyers authorized the use of techniques such as sleep deprivation, slapping, stress positions and waterboarding, which produces the sensation of drowning.

May 29, 2009 at 1:18 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes indeed Mr. Obama and his team could care less exactly why "The Camp" was used and should be kept open. If someone kills your neighbor because he did not like the life he lives - would you expect them to get prison time?? How long 8 Years? Not in my book. If he is sorry - give him a new trial and apologize for the type of housing,food and treatment received - after all he is only a killer. I have noticed Mr. Obama has started freeing (sending to trial or other countries) some prisoners - Six months into office and he is doing what?? What is in that cigarette he is smoking? Please someone needs to talk to him, before it is too late.

June 12, 2009 at 12:17 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new combat ship "USS Independence" really shows the Bush Administration did have their head on straight. I knew it and now we all are aware of it. Take a look at this ship - it is a littoral combat ship . It has the ability to launch helicopters & armored vehicles, plus sweeping mines and firing all types of torpedoes & missiles. The Independence was built by Gen. Dynamics at a cost of $208 Million and 50 plus are planned - now the speed and all of the above really makes me wonder why some Reps. and Senators want to downsize our Navy.

June 17, 2009 at 3:20 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just in time for Gates - that is the USS Independence (LCS). But how fast can we build them? More Missiles to be launched by N.Korea? Probably sooner than later,as the saying goes. What a world we live in. I have lived through the depressed years leading up to WWII and all the conflicts there after, but after the cold war was over the Clinton Administration is the only Administration that could enjoyed a peacefull (well almost) 4-8 years, we just did not respond to bombings - looked the other way so to speak. "Speak Softly, but Carry a Big Stick!"

June 18, 2009 at 3:42 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking Softly? If you agree with a person, state it. If you do not agree, state it. If what is occurring and it is none of your business - congratulate them and make no other move. We can not carry a "Big Stick" all the time. We need to take care of business here at home and let the other countries learn to govern themself as we did. The UN is in place, let them do their job.

June 20, 2009 at 12:50 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That ship "SSS Independence when was it launched? Go Navy!

June 20, 2009 at 4:01 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many Ships have been called SSS Independence. Gates Wife launched one way back and then there was the Geo.H.W.Bush. All great people and very, very great ships. I toured the Ronald Regan out in San Diego - now there was one great ship, named after one great man.

June 28, 2009 at 9:17 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There always has been a complaint on the amount of unnecessary travel done by our Presidents and of course their families.
President Obama has done more traveling, during his Senate Term and now as the President of our Nation than any President that I can remember over the last 75 years. Is this correct? Who picks up these costly jounts? Are these trips really necessary or is it because he wants a change in the way our President does business - on a personal basis only? With our modern communication network - why then is the office in Washington, D.C. not used instead of Air Force 1? The manpower for our Pres. and his family is very, very costly. I understand our Pres. said that his office, President, is under paid? Well, if that is the case he needs to check his personal budget and work within the limits. I do, so are we all. This area of our Presidents Life, needs an adjustment. Our Senator Spector always used the train - now there is a man that understands the value of a $. Sorry, we can not have an Independent for a Senator - it sure would make life much easier.

June 28, 2009 at 9:35 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Specter has placed a want-a-be Sestak a real challenge. Not declaring his candidacy (yah, right!)and the fund raising is/has been in full swing starting with the Hillary campaign and our great Governor by his side, he states he has not spent one penny on campaigning? Really! Could the "E" mail not count? The clerks that set up all these meetings for the public to get the information or help his want-a-be campaign to show he is really interested in all things. We must hold our Reps. and Senators accountable for all the PR and Photo Ops that cover them where ever they go, and the time frame used - your time or ours? What is the difference? Is it work or play (campaigning)? What pocket does the $$ come out of? Something for all to think on.

July 4, 2009 at 10:03 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sestak did not spend any money on his last campaign because he used the media as his PR. Then came the Presidential Primary and Hillary and Gov. Rendell showing him the ropes and how to not spend your own money. Oh yes, the life at sea was not like this!

July 10, 2009 at 10:55 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a picture or the Media makes statements by any politician that looks or feels like they will run for an office - it is so. Yes indeed - I saw it with my eyes and heard this statement. That is why and how one congressman now feels he is qualified for the Senate, because of the above... A picture (with Gov. Officials and a statement made with words taken out of context to help make a statement ring true).

July 11, 2009 at 2:54 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh by the way, where is Hillary now? Is she still ill or something else bothering her? It looks like Obama now feels she needs much more help than any person prior to her taking on this position. It sure takes all the King's Men to cover her doesn't it. Who do you believe will take over in the very near future? The Attorney Gen. is the other person to watch? Life is getting interesting around Washington with all the HAVES trying to make a name for themself.

July 25, 2009 at 12:23 PM 

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