If I Were A Carptenter
We know all about their platforms and about what they would do -- or try to do -- if elected.
It's what we don't know that scares me?
And it's more important than a campaign promise.
Starting with the debate tonight, I want them to start naming names.
I want to know who they are planning to surround themselves.
I want to know who their advisers are going to be and I want to with whom they are going to build their cabinet.
Secretary of Defense. Secretary of State. Chief of Staff.
We can play guessing games and come close, but it's not play time.
We know, from the laughable administration about to end, how important these people in high posts can be in our quest to remain a solvent nation.
And I want to know who they are now, not later -- after the fact.
I'll go so far as to say that if John McCain supplies a list -- and the list is a virtual dream team -- I may consider switching sides.
This issue is that important to me.
Just like a football coach is only as good as his offensive and defensive coordinators, a president is only as good as the people around him.
And I want a good president for a change.
Gordy - Now your thinking is correct when it comes to which person would be our BEST CHOICE for PRES. & V.P. - it not only is how they think but "And their Cabinet is?"
You've already seen their first and most-public choice.
Do you really need to know anything else after Sarah Palin?
Dear GG,
Haven't you written his column/blog 12 times already? Get creative.
Ross, you are an idiot.
If he wrote about this again, it's because it's important and has not been resolved.
If I were a carptenter
And you were a ladty
Would you marry me anytay
Would you have my babty
Any President is only as good as those surrounding him and can give him advice before he sets his signature on a document that may change our lives...Anonymous you are also correct "And their Cabinet is?"...
Thumbs Down on wearing promotional attire inside the Polls??? 9/27 TH Outside is fine,your public choice can be expressed. Any Person that has worked at the Polls over the years knows how HOT some SUBJECTS can get - that is why "Cover Your Colors" was passed into law and any Constable will agree. Think it through and you will agree. The Palin/Obama issue is very HOT and you know tempers do flare if your point is not accepted and it just could be carried into the Polling Place.
Thank You, Thank You!!! We are the UNITED STATES and are ruled by the people we place into office. So, do your homework before election day and check with your Senator and Rep. to see how they feel about areas of interest to you. If our Reps. and Senators are only doing business for themself "OUT THEY GO!" I am not impressed with a Smiling Senator that takes action after-the-fact and New York should also take note of his way of doing business. If a Senator/Rep. is not qualified to serve on a Committee in your opinion, Please Do Him A Favor - write/call him and tell him to excuse himself and get off the committee. We have great and not-so-great people in Washington. We need to surround ourself with the BEST.
G ... I agree that Obama's cabinet choices are crucial. HOWEVER, when that joke of a president G.W.Bush was elected, after sobbing in our Manhattan cocktails, my husband and I consoled ourselves with "At least he has a smart, capable Dick Chaney at his side. Look where that got us!!
My biggest worry is appointments to the Supreme Court if McCain is elected.
Hard to believe you would consider voting for John McCain after the type campaign he has waged.
What are you talking about - Gordon has already switched sides.
Who Voted for and Who Voted Against the Big Rescue? Well, our Navy Person Rep. gave his reason for voting For with some type of Old Sea Salt Saying. This is unreal! Maybe he should be the Secretary of the Salty Water Control Board because the position he is in seems to be away over his head. Back to Sailing, Sailing! Here comes Williams, with the Degree in hand and current experience in many fields.
Well this guy just found palin's debate flowchart...
I found the original at http://www.adennak.com/blog/wordpress/
and this is after her debate coach mentioned her strategy of running out the clock...
Anonymous 10/3 ... Palin's Flo Chart? Interesting! --- Keep in tune, she has a lot more going for her & it will become very clear and you will understand why she is the Woman of the Year...VP.
Has anyone asked our Presidential Candidates who they are considering for the various Cabinet Positions?? I've yet to see anything written on their www.Obama or www.McCain Blogs. We need forward thinking Candidates not a hinesight Presidents. The 7 O'Clock News Talking Heads could boost their rating by asking and getting answers from our Candidates,because it is VERY IMPORTANT for all of us. We need to do our homework because we can not trust their word that they have.
Play back last evenings debate - in his closing, Obama made a statement regarding the people on both sides of the aisle he consulted on a certain issue and would surround himself if he became President ...do you recall the people and if it was on health care or education...??? This is very important - he does not have all his ducks in a row.
Gordo is not only a PUKE but a moron to boot.
I understand Obama chose an eye catching, herd leading slogan for the period this country is in but all of the followers should ask themselves if they are choosing a change for the better. I think not.
I accept and welcome change for the better. LIFE IS CHANGE. The morons following this guy do not have a clue as to the change they have chosen.
I do not believe he even cares about equality for minorities. What did he ever do or accomplish in Chicago, the murder capital of the U.S.?
No, I believe his goal is to have his upper class and the all equal squashed dominions to serve him. He is not going to make anyone’s lives better, just equally trodden..
The rich do not fret overmuch by OBAMA, they will just batten down the hatches and wait him out.
The rich have the means to weather the storm, and the means to put their capital elsewhere.
They are not going to give away any more to the Treasury Department than is absolutely necessary. I do not blame them. Why should they?
It is the Joe the Plummer, hard working class that will take it on the chin once more.
Believe me, Obama does not care about the middle class, it is just another slogan for the right place and time. “Just words, just speeches,” He has done and given squat to this nation and will continue to do so.
It is all words, all speeches with him. His rhetoric is music to the media’s ears and sexist pukes like you GORDY.
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