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Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Video Killed The Radio Star

As expected, obligatory homage was paid to Ronnie Ray-gun at the nauseating RNC with a video segment trying to continue the worn-out myth that he was a president to mentioned the same breath as George Washington, Abe Lincoln and FDR.

If you read my column last week, you know i found it ... huh ... ironic that a similar bit of ridiculousness surrounding loooooongtime senator Ted Kennedy portrayed him as a simple man of the sea when the most defining moment of his life was the whole Chappaquiddick incident. I wondered if the loved ones of the woman he more or less killed that night, Mary Jo Kopechne, were watching.

The Republicans should have left well enough alone, but they never met a fact they couldn't dismiss or subvert. So, they gave us this gem about Reagan: "He never forgot who he was."

Never forgot? Really?

Did they forget that he had Alzheimer's Disease during much of his term in his office, meaning the country was pretty much run by his self-serving henchmen (and Nancy Reagan's astrologer)?

You gotta love conventions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do believe Ronnie should be remembered for his many good deeds. We were taught to live the best life we were able and to treat all people as we would like them to treat us. He was a good man!

September 3, 2008 at 3:39 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of people are good men. It doesn't mean we should turn them into Gods for political gain.

September 4, 2008 at 4:54 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We do tend to remember Presidents for mostly good deeds and forget their wayward acts. I only belieive in one God! -- I'm not too sure about mythology if that is what you were refering to - that's a little too deep sometimes.

September 4, 2008 at 10:22 AM 
Blogger tlees2 said...

Ronald Reagan favored the rich, started to snowball our deficits and debt, and really widened the gap between the superwealthy and everyone else.

September 6, 2008 at 3:59 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The division between the rich and middle class started back in Kennedy's Administration when the Middle Class earned how much now?? Who now pay into SS? Check with your many Professors at your local Universities that are dealing with these facts and you will catch on very fast - Clinton will tell you his Taxes are really way too low and for the first time we all agree with him. Senator Hillary should be doing something now, even though she will not be top dog in the Administration but she does have the Dems. in charge that will give them "Brownie Points".

September 7, 2008 at 12:41 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Left this on Huskey's blog, but just in case he censors it like my other posts against republicrats, I am pasting it here.

20 months as a governor of a state that has more wildlife than people? That's experience? You've got to be kidding! This so-called anti-pork barrel spending person was responsible for the "road to nowhere" that would have connected to the "bridge to nowhere"! And, when she finally "changed her mind", she keep the money. For a state with oil revenues, she and others need to leave some tax money for other states that need it. California is going broke, and the cronies, like president-select shrub, etc., caused the Navy (and the money) to be shipped to Alaska, where it takes up to three (3) hours to get out to sea. Sitting ducks if Russia or China wants to attack. Her involvement in troopergate and other things will come out to bite her and McSame in the butt. Palin is a nobody, just like "caught in the headlights" Quayle. And, McSame is pandering to the women voters, but it doesn't fool me. I will be voting DEMOCRATIC this year and in the future. We have been dragged down in the muck by the shrub, but he can send billions to other countries to bail them out, but not US citizens. The fannymae and freddymac crisis is yet another one of the republicrats failures to understand that "IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID!". Yes, I know, this is "your" blog, and with your bias favoring republicrats, I won't see my comment here. So, I will copy it and paste it elsewhere, where it will get equal time.

September 8, 2008 at 8:03 AM 
Blogger Montco PA Dem said...

It's interesting to hear that you, too, are seeing posts disappear over at Huskeyville, Anon@8:03.

Apparently, there's more afoot with his "moderating" of comments than just screening out offensive language.

I've got two posts over there that went in on Saturday and have yet to see the light of day.

Apparently, contrary opinions are offensive to the editor.

September 8, 2008 at 8:38 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to Montco PA Dem - I have yet to see my "2 cents" in the paper either. Huskey has crybaby castor on the front page, inside, back page, which he may think is showing support, but it only documents the waste of my tax dollars by that clown. Bozo could do a better job than castor. He's intimidated by the illegal alien emptying his trash, yet holds up recommended additions to staff to get work done in the courts, even though a judge recommended it. And Huskey is promoting Palin? From another blogger: If the 27 million in federal money she wangled for her community of 8,000 were spent for every 8,000 people in America it would cost the taxpayers more than a trillion dollars. Clearly we can’t afford too many Sarah Palins. Try to square that with all the “reformer” anti-earmark rhetoric they were slinging around at the convention. He can’t.

September 8, 2008 at 10:54 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/3/08 comment: I do believe Ronnie should be remembered for his many good deeds.

I remember him trying to come up with actual words and his second wife, Nancy, whispered to him and he repeated it: "we're doing the best that we can", which would have been alright if the tape didn't catch her feeding him his "lines". He emptied out the state hospitals in California, leaving people roaming the streets, homeless, but he didn't care, as his cronies bought him a house. Problem was that Nancy was superstitious and had the 666 address changed. LOL!

September 8, 2008 at 10:57 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And just in case, Huskey decides that one of my words is a "bad" word. Here is another comment that I left on his blog in response to another blogger...

Anonymous said...
Montco Pa Dem:
First of all you should thank Mr. Huskey for making this blog available for our comments etc. and not knock the man for it. I consider Mr. Huskey to be a fine journalist, along with many other citizens blogging here.
Secondly isn't this post an exact duplicate of the post you entered previously on the blog below. When you come up with something else new or orginal, please post it. In the interim, please don't get your panties in a bind sir.
The Professor

September 5, 2008 4:50 AM

9/8/08 Well, as I stated before, Stan censors what he doesn't like. I have yet to see my comments of the racial bias shown in his paper or the republicrat bias either. I am shocked that he actually put my "20 months experience" comment here, as I have had a lot of comments completely ignored since they go against his idea of the perfect town. And, Montco Pa Dem agrees. So don't get your panties in a bunch, professor. I know a lot of professors and your comment shows a lack of a thought process with no research.

September 8, 2008 at 11:07 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seminars conducted at Universities on Rich/Middle Class and which Administration truly did a job on the Middle Class should be considered TLee2. They are very interesting and just maybe you will see a different approach to the balance of the "holy dollar" and what needs to be undone in Washington.

September 8, 2008 at 12:13 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TLee2 and montg pa dem - Why get all bent out of shape if your comments are not placed on Stan's Blog or suddenly disappear from Gordy's Blog--- you do have your own Blog and if your subjects are of interest to a variety of people they will post a comment and your following will increase. Stan's Blog is quite active and of course you know he does have his day off and Gordy also has the same. Keep reading the Herald because that is where we get the Montgomery County News as well as the surrounding communities in Bucks and Chester too.

September 8, 2008 at 12:28 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicken Stan won't allow my comments as usual, as he has a yellow stripe up his back. But here it is!

Stan, (woman of the year, etc.? about palin? once again, you've got to be kidding! How many blogs are you going to start about this hypocrite! Her church is going to pray away gay people! You must be just like the other bloggers who don't trust someone who doesn't look like a "corn fed" middle American, who only will vote for someone who believes in God and Jesus! And, no, I didn't make that up, some biased blogger wrote it. Just like the boy scouts who can't understand that it's been proven that a biological "defect" made gay people gay. Just like a "defect" made some people's eyes blue! And, I am not making that up either! Scientist discovered it! But you want to make this idiot the "woman of the hour"! NOT! She is just another bigoted neanderthal from the north, just like you! k-k-k is written all over her, and pennsyltuckie is alive and well and being stirred up by your rhetortic! You and risa and castor fit well together in this racist state! Now, let's see if you approve this! But you won't as you are nothing but a nazi propoganist!

September 8, 2008 at 8:14 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
TLee2 and montg pa dem - Why get all bent out of shape if your comments are not placed on Stan's Blog or suddenly disappear from Gordy's Blog--- you do have your own Blog and if your subjects are of interest to a variety of people they will post a comment and your following will increase. Stan's Blog is quite active and of course you know he does have his day off and Gordy also has the same. Keep reading the Herald because that is where we get the Montgomery County News as well as the surrounding communities in Bucks and Chester too.


September 8, 2008 at 8:18 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't put it past Stan to censor stuff but that's not Gordon's style.

September 8, 2008 at 8:50 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Stan is getting a bad rap here. I've posted some hot stuff over there and it has been printed. Sometimes it takes a day or 3 but it eventually appears. He does get some time off occasionally.

I am more concerned that Hillary and her acolytes are dogging it for this election.

I'll give some examples in this paper, since GG is now the editor. After Obama's acceptance speech the headline next to the picture described a drug dealer getting convicted. How often does a drug conviction get played that high up?

What about the Phil Berg saga being played out on the first couple of days of the convention?

I wrote a letter to the editor that was edited to remove the first line: "What's wrong with the Times Herald?".

I believe these are ways to subtly blunt Obama's effect. Is GG still harboring ill will that a young African-American visionary outsmarted his pants suit queen?

GG has already admitted he's a bigot in the paper. Are these expressions of his bigotry?

With Stan, you have a pretty good idea where he stands.

GG, like Hillary, is pulling a Chicago Black Sox play. They're letting the Reds win.

They are gambling that there will be a 2012 for Hillary. If Obama loses, she's done.

The McCain camp is already crowing about the fact that Palin is exploiting the disunity Hillary forged.

If the Dems lose, it will be because of the tactics and hystronics of the Clintons. They will be blamed.

September 8, 2008 at 9:23 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pray teh gay away... Palin is another republican hypocrit. For the bridge to nowhere, then when funding is cut off, she's against it, but she kept the money. Payoffs to her the voters with tax money just was the way she got elected. An inexperienced governor bush wannabee who is in charge of national security in her state? NOT! Bush was just a figure head in
Texas playing video games all day. The power waas in teh hands of the Lt. Govenor

September 9, 2008 at 3:33 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

joe the nerd said...
I think Stan is getting a bad rap here. I've posted some hot stuff over there and it has been printed. Sometimes it takes a day or 3 but it eventually appears. He does get some time off occasionally.


September 9, 2008 at 3:36 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous from September 9, 2008 3:36 AM,

Why not try posting with a name. He may be more willing to allow a rant if he actually knows who it comes from.

I don't blame him for censoring the "Anonymous said..." stuff.

Stand behind you posts.

"Anonymous said..." is a way of saying that you can behave like a weasel.

September 9, 2008 at 7:47 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gordon is NOT the editor. He is the managing editor. I'm a journalism professor here but I believe there is a distinction there. If had that much power to help Hillary down the road, he would be working in Washington D.C. not in Norristown.

September 9, 2008 at 8:27 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me clarify. I'm NOT a journalism professor. But I can read and it clearly states Gordon Glantz is the managing editor. I just double-checked.

September 9, 2008 at 8:51 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! Joe The Nerd? Did you even read Gordon's last column? If he's trying to help the Reds win, he has a heck of a way of showing it! I think you're reading way too much into it, but I guess conspiracy theories are what keeps nerds going. Also, you are taking Gordon's admission of being a bigot, which we all are in our own ways, out of context from the original column. It wasn't even about politics. I suggest you go where nerds go to get lives, Joe. Maybe a brothel?

September 9, 2008 at 8:55 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we get back to the original point of this blog which was the legacy of Ronald Reagan? I think what Gordon wrote about a respected ex-president was terrible.

September 9, 2008 at 8:58 AM 
Blogger Sully said...

Do your own fact checking before you put too much credibility in Gordon Glantz - he can be a mite careless. On Sunday he wrote that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jinda is a "Native American."

In his defense, it was a natural sort of mistake for him to make. He probably saw a picture of Jindal, saw that he was a Republican, and then glanced at his biography and saw the word "Indian". When he went to write his column he traded "Indian" for "Native American". A natural enough mistake for a politically correct affirmative action committed sort of fellow who judges folks by the color of their skin rather than by the content of their character.

But who am I to say one should judge folks by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin?

I wrote him a respectful email about it but he hasn't responded. He's probably busy checking headlines for those embarrassing spelling errors

September 9, 2008 at 9:40 AM 
Blogger Sully said...

For you folks who don't know how to use google I should point out that Republican Governor Piyush "Bobby" Jindal is not a Paiute pinto pony riding type indian, as Gordon inferred. He was born and raised in Louisiana, and he probably prefers his shrimp prepared Vindaloo style when he's not out on the stump down on the bayou, since his ancestry is Gunga Din type Indian.

Just trying to be helpful.

September 9, 2008 at 9:57 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get your point, Sully.

September 9, 2008 at 11:43 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Posted September 2, 2008 9:20 AM

by Frank James

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin apparently likes a good earmark as much as most other politicians.

The watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense found that when Palin was mayor of little old Wasilla, Alaska she hired a well-connected law firm to lobby for nearly $27 million in earmarks. That's the kind of spending Sen. John McCain, the all-but-official Republican nominee typically rails against as pork.

The TCS report, which the Washington Post evidently got an exclusive on, suggests that Palin, who McCain recently named as his running mate, isn't the anti-earmark crusader that the man on the top of the Republican presidential ticket portrayed her as when he announced her as his veep choice.

Added to the information that Palin actually supported the infamous Alaskan bridge-to-nowhere before she opposed it, the emerging picture of Palin is of a fairly typical local and state politician interested in capturing as much federal taxpayer money for her constituency as possible.

Here's an important passage from the story:

Palin has also railed against earmarks, touting her opposition to a $223 million bridge in the state as a prime credential for the vice presidential nomination. "As governor, I've stood up to the old politics-as-usual, to the special interests, to the lobbyists, the big oil companies, and the good-ol'-boy network," she said Friday.

As mayor of Wasilla, however, Palin oversaw the hiring of Robertson, Monagle & Eastaugh, an Anchorage-based law firm with close ties to Alaska's most senior Republicans: Rep. Don Young and Sen. Ted Stevens, who was indicted in July on charges of accepting illegal gifts. The Wasilla account was handled by the former chief of staff to Stevens, Steven W. Silver, who is a partner in the firm.

Palin was elected mayor of Wasilla in 1996 on a campaign theme of "a time for change." According to a review of congressional spending by Taxpayers for Common Sense, a nonpartisan watchdog group in Washington, Wasilla did not receive any federal earmarks in the first few years of Palin's tenure.

Senate records show that Silver's firm began working for Palin in early 2000, just as federal money began flowing.

In fiscal 2000, Wasilla received a $1 million earmark, tucked into a transportation appropriations bill, for a rail and bus project in the town. And in the winter of 2000, Palin appeared before congressional appropriations committees to seek earmarks, according to a report in the Anchorage Daily News.

Palin and the Wasilla City Council increased Silver's fee from $24,000 to $36,000 a year by 2001, Senate records show.

Soon after, the city benefited from additional earmarks: $500,000 for a mental health center, $500,000 for the purchase of federal land and $450,000 to rehabilitate an agricultural processing facility. Then there was the $15 million rail project, intended to connect Wasilla with the town of Girdwood, where Stevens has a house.

Maybe it was just a coincidence that Sen. Stevens had a house in Girdwood, but if it was it certainly was one of those alignments of the stars that makes you say "hmmmmm."

This story raises further questions about the quality and amount of vetting the McCain team did before the senator from Arizona made her his vice presidential pick. McCain has made his fight against earmarks an important part of his presidential campaign.

How many times have we heard him say he will make Washington D.C. pork producers famous by publicizing their names? Plenty. Now it turns out that the woman he chose to be his running mate is quite the pork producer herself. The most forthright members of the McCain campaign would have to agree that this certainly steps on their message.

September 10, 2008 at 7:01 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

joe the nerd said...
Hey Anonymous from September 9, 2008 3:36 AM,

Why not try posting with a name. He may be more willing to allow a rant if he actually knows who it comes from.

I don't blame him for censoring the "Anonymous said..." stuff.

Stand behind you posts.

"Anonymous said..." is a way of saying that you can behave like a weasel.

September 9, 2008 7:47 AM

Like Joe the Nerd is your real name. Stan does censor comments, so I post them here where they can be seen. I don't have to put a name to my comments, which is just like voting, which is done privately. If Stan can't stand the heat, then he shouldn't be using the paper as his forum. Biased censoring has no place here and the publisher should realize that!

September 10, 2008 at 7:05 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

joe the nerd said...
I think Stan is getting a bad rap here. I've posted some hot stuff over there and it has been printed. Sometimes it takes a day or 3 but it eventually appears. He does get some time off occasionally.

9/10/08 Well, check out the posts that I noted on this site that were ALSO put on his blog site AND see if they appear. The proof is in the pudding and Stan can't take the heat!

September 10, 2008 at 7:09 AM 
Blogger Montco PA Dem said...

Anon@9:20, re: the Frank James article:

You're being silly. Seems like you haven't gotten the message:

Facts don't matter if you're a Republican.

You can support building a bridge, take all the Federal handouts, then say that you were against the bridge.

You can vote with Bush 90% of the time, then claim to be a "Maverick."

And yes, you can hire a lobbyist to collect $27 million in taxpayer money and then stand up in front of America and say you oppose earmarks.

You want Straight Talk? Here's some:

Republicans lie. And lie. And lie.

And if the media won't call them on it, ordinary citizens are going to have to do the job.

September 10, 2008 at 7:15 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Posted on Stan's blog 9/10/08 at 10:38 a.m. Let's see if he allows it to appear...
Anonymous said...
Propaganda Czar (aka montco pa dem).
Your mouth runith away with words that I hope do not represent your Dem.Party here in the State. You need to show a little more refined way of stating your feelings - then maybe the undecided will consider your Candidates.

September 9, 2008 4:02 PM

Refined, like pitbull palin spouting her lies about change? This is politics as usual. Republicrats can attack with lies, like Henry Hyde, Newt and the rest who went after Clinton, while cheating on their spouses.

And, BTW, Stan, I am copying this to Gordon's blog, just in case the bad words offend you and you censor this comment, too.

September 10, 2008 at 7:39 AM 
Blogger Montco PA Dem said...

Anon@7:39A --
I appreciate the support, but please don't post in my name. Since the message you were answering was apparently directed to "Montco PA Dem", some might assume your reply came from me. It didn't.

I also agree with Joe's comments elsewhere that most stuff on Stan's blog does show up eventually, and that it's not necessary to cross-post everything immediately. That'll just make things around here way too confusing.

Of course, Stan could make things way less confusing on his side if he'd just remove the moderation from his blog. If something over the line shows up, he can always delete it. And it would go a long way toward showing his commitment to free speech, open debate, exchange of ideas -- you know, all the stuff that real journalists are supposed to be in favor of.

September 10, 2008 at 8:02 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9/8-8:14, 9/8 - 8:18 & 9/9 - 3:36... Wait until you sober up before spouting off. I believe there is good in all people - but you have me wondering...I know you are not part of tlees2 superwealthy because they have Stenos. and Secys. Maybe it's full moon - I'll check tonight.

September 10, 2008 at 12:05 PM 
Blogger Unknown said...

To Jen...

OMG! Joe The Nerd? Did you even read Gordon's last column? If he's trying to help the Reds win, he has a heck of a way of showing it!

I am looking at Stan commenting on Monday about how Gordon has not been using his space on the editorial page up to it's potential as a worthy opponent.

I have already referenced his front page layouts.

I think you're reading way too much into it, but I guess conspiracy theories are what keeps nerds going. Also, you are taking Gordon's admission of being a bigot, which we all are in our own ways, out of context from the original column.

Actually I am not taking Gordon out of context. I am looking at a continum from last year when he was personally offended about Christmas, to earlier this year when he was complaining about not enough Jewish politicians being vetted for VP on the Democratic Ticket.

Besides, you are bringing up a new idea there, contextual bigotry. Either you are one or you aren't, it isn't dependent on some situational ethics.

It wasn't even about politics. I suggest you go where nerds go to get lives, Joe. Maybe a brothel?

I've got a great life without a brothel, thank you though.

To Anonymous said...
September 10, 2008 7:05 AM

Like Joe the Nerd is your real name. Stan does censor comments, so I post them here where they can be seen. I don't have to put a name to my comments, which is just like voting, which is done privately. If Stan can't stand the heat, then he shouldn't be using the paper as his forum. Biased censoring has no place here and the publisher should realize that!

Actually, my name is Joe, and Stan knows exactly who I am.

I really can't blame him for censoring comments from someone who doesn't believe in what they say enough to back their rants with their name.

Stan has stated that he would like people to id themselves when posting.

I'll give him that respect.

This is VERY different from voting, where you go into a booth and make a quiet choice. The results are a yes or no for a candidate at the end of the night.

Flaming someone from the shadows can spread lies and rumors that can destroy people if left unchecked.

Stan is acting responsibly.

I am sure if you back your words with a name, you'll have no problem.

Otherwise, I am glad he's stopping the snipers.

September 10, 2008 at 8:54 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me TRY and get this straight, Nerd guy ...
You're saying Gordon isn't a worthy opponent because Stan says so, as if that makes it so?
Stan is the one who isn't worthy!

September 11, 2008 at 1:20 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave a comment for what? No free speech here as you decide what you want to show or not to act like people's comments agree with yours. Grow up and smell the coffee. Your crackerjack reporters only show your bias. As usual, I will "copy and paste" on Gordon's blog as he doesn't censor anyone even if they disagree with him. palin is a loser and I hope the racists don't win this race like they did with president-select shrub!

September 11, 2008 at 4:43 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, my name is Joe, and Stan knows exactly who I am.

I really can't blame him for censoring comments from someone who doesn't believe in what they say enough to back their rants with their name.

Stan has stated that he would like people to id themselves when posting.

I'll give him that respect.

This is VERY different from voting, where you go into a booth and make a quiet choice. The results are a yes or no for a candidate at the end of the night.

Flaming someone from the shadows can spread lies and rumors that can destroy people if left unchecked.

Stan is acting responsibly.

I am sure if you back your words with a name, you'll have no problem.

Otherwise, I am glad he's stopping the snipers.

September 10, 2008 8:54 PM

I don't have to put my name to a blog. And, I stated it before, when stan had a fit about anonymous posters. I've had "someone" take posters that I had in my yard that supported Democrats. So, stan knows you so well. That's explains his letting your posts show. Do you want to meet somewhere and discuss his bias? As I said, I have been harassed by republicrats and I don't appreciate it. As long as my comments don't have curse words, what's stan's problem?

And to Montco PA democrat... I don't want to confuse the issue, so I will be careful in my future posts. Thank you. anonymous, taxpayer in NORRISTOWN, PA!

September 11, 2008 at 4:52 PM 
Blogger Unknown said...

September 11, 2008 4:52 PM

I don't have to put my name to a blog. And, I stated it before, when stan had a fit about anonymous posters. I've had "someone" take posters that I had in my yard that supported Democrats.

You are confusing 2 issues. All I am saying is that attach a name to your posts and let the guy know who you are. Or at least use a google id that you can make up with an email address.

as for sign wars - they've been going on for as long as there are adolescents running around on both sides. I've had signs lost, tires nailed, I know the drill.

So, stan knows you so well. That's explains his letting your posts show. Do you want to meet somewhere and discuss his bias?

I said Stan knows who I am. This is as good as place as any to discuss media bias. In fact, at the next advisory board meeting that will be a topic discussed.

Stan and I do not share many viewpoints politically, but, unless I am underestimating him, I think we can respect one another's positions.

As I said, I have been harassed by republicrats and I don't appreciate it.

I don't like seeing harrassment in any way either. I don't think Stan is going to YOUR house and attempting to intellectually clean your yard. His plate is full enough.

As long as my comments don't have curse words, what's stan's problem?

It goes to respect. It goes beyond curse words when someone gets flamed, or rumored about, or insulted. I can't take seriously someone who hides in the shadows and takes shots. Own your own language.

Put some sort of name to yourself.

September 11, 2008 at 10:17 PM 
Blogger Montco PA Dem said...

As an aside, Joe, putting a name to yourself won't always satisfy everyone.

I was recently compared to a masked anarchist protestor on another local blog simply because I use a screen name rather than the one on my birth certificate. Some people are never satisfied!

Also as an aside, the MPD Blog is now open for business and taking comments. Masked anarchist protestors (and anyone else) are welcome to stop by and toss me your verbal bombs at any time. Click here or type in your browser to make the trip.

September 13, 2008 at 5:45 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reagan was a "talking head", only able to spout lines fed him by his handlers. Palin is the same thing, only with lipstick and a skirt. And, if people are trying to say Obama insulted her with the pig and lipstick comment, they should remember that she brought up the pitbull-lipstick subject, which is a slam against the Staffordshire Terrier and their Responsible owners. Also, pigs are supposed to be smarter than dogs, so Obamo could have paid Caribou-barbie a compliment.

September 15, 2008 at 10:48 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gordon, I was going to comment on The Eagles's performance vs. Dallas, but I seem to be 'choking' at the moment.

(cough, cough)

I'll type something as soon as I can remove my hands from my neck.

(cough, cough)

September 15, 2008 at 8:58 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eagles Won...Yes, that is a fact and the Phillies too. We are Pennant Bound - yah right!! I probably ate too many green eggs.

September 22, 2008 at 3:34 PM 

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