Miss You
That's the kind of rhetoric the Democrats need. We need to come out fighting!
Take heed Obama. Sometimes you just have to get down and dirty and take a punch to give two.
Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.
A great Farewell Speech for Bill and Hil. The saying is "Sit Down Your Rocking the Boat"!!! Let the young Presidential Candidate do it his way with a great VP...
Speaking of speeches, guess who said this after Barack's speech Thursday night:
"It was a genuinely outstanding speech. It was magnificent. It is the finest ... I saw Cuomo's speech. I saw [Ted] Kennedy in 80. I even saw Douglas MacArthur. I even saw Martin Luther King. This is the greatest convention speech. Probably the most important because unlike Cuomo and the others, this is an acceptance speech.
"This came out of the heart of America and he went right at the heart of America. This wasn't a liberal speech at all. This is a deeply, deeply centrist speech.
"It had wit. It had humor. And when he used the needle on McCain, he stuck it into McCain, and it was funny as with Kennedy's speech in 80. I laughed with Kennedy when he was needling Ronald Reagan.
"It was so good. Let me read you the passage, though, because this man is a professional orator and he's a writer of his own speeches.
"But let me read it because this is where you get into the roll and the cadence and how a speaker can really pound a point home:
"'I love this country, and so do you, and so does John McCain. The men and women who serve in our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a Red America or a Blue America -- they have served the United States of America.'
"That is how you bring people off their feet, by pulling at their heart and guts. It was beautiful."
Care to guess who said that?
It was Pat Buchanan -- yes, bright-red conservative commentator Pat Buchanan -- who couldn't stop gushing about what a great job Obama did.
I hope everyone watched. If you didn't, you really missed something.
What a memory you have montco pa dem - Buchanan has always been a great speaker on many subjects and so was his sister. Conventions are great are they not - are you ready for the Republicans??
I was excited to see the first official portrait of the McCain-Palin ticket. You can view it too by clicking right here.
Happy Birthday, Sen. McCain. Thanks for the present.
LP Republicans, are cheering on the choice of Sara Palin. How is the balance of the County feeling? I'm not sure, but I talked with two of the Dems. calling themself the "Six Pack" ++ after dinner last eve and they agree it is now a great race - too close to call because of the division in the Dem. Party over Hil.
If there are Dems saying this thing is close, somebody hasn't been paying attention.
Did you see the stadium full of supporters, some of whom waited in six-mile-long lines to get in, cheering wildly for Obama?
Did you see Bill and Hillary (and their supporters) celebrating their complete and total endorsement for Obama's campaign last week?
If there is one thing you can be sure of, it's this: There is no divide in the Democratic party from this point on. Anybody who says they supported Hillary but are now voting for McCain was never a Democrat to begin with. As Hillary said at the convention, if you backed her in the primaries and believed in the things she believed in, there is no way in the world you could ever vote for John McCain.
And Sarah Palin? She's even farther to the radical right than McCain - she doesn't believe in any birth control (let alone the right to choose), thinks schools should teach Creationism as science, and wants the right to kill endangered polar bears (with a gun, in addition to letting them drown in the melting arctic ice). And that's just her Alaska platform -- Lord knows what she wants for the country as a whole.
Dem. & Rep. that are now not quite sure who would be the best Pres. & Vice Pres. I'm sure will be able to decide for themself by late October. Read, listen and learn who these people are that are running for office. Intelligence is not in short supply among the candidates. Decision making is acquired by using your surroundings, schooling and family. So, stay tuned - it is just starting to get interesting. If you were a crossover your vote is even more important to both parties. (Montco pa dem - sorry you only see one side right now, but that is normal, our friends truly would upset you with their thinking now. The Trooper Road meeting was a great start, I'm told... I believe it was held last week?)
Anon. 2:26 --
>>"our friends truly would upset you with their thinking now. The Trooper Road meeting was a great start, I'm told... I believe it was held last week?
I have not a clue what you are talking about. Is this some sort of secret LP code?
montco pa dem - I know where the meeting was on Trooper Road. Those that are in this area have a cold one before the meeting, scheduled for 7:30 PM. Vacation is over - you need to get out there if you are who some of us believe you are.
If they are having a cold one BEFORE the meeting, that explains a lot.
Too bad they don't open things up to everyone. It sounds like an echo chamber.
Anon -- One more time (and I'll do this slowly so that you get it this time):
Really and truly, I do not. And I really do not have a clue what you are talking about.
Can we go back to bragging about what a great ticket Obama/Biden make, especially in comparison to the Confused Old Man and the Soccer Mom?
Montco PA Dem.- This is just a fraction of The Party-- you should be glad there is more than one meeting per month. Small groups can/do accomplish many things that one large group find overwheming. LP seems to be the best place for the various men/women to gather after work and share their ideas.
OK, I give up. Does anybody else here speak this guy's language? Can you explain in English what he's trying to say?
Joe? Anybody?
Gordy, please accept my sincere sympathy on the loss of your father.
I'm just catching up on back issues of the TH - convention you know - and the Posts to your column and also Stan's column are quite interesting. Some are getting a little testy (for a lack of another term), but I'm sure most postings show their out and out hate for the opposit party.
Check the figures montco pa dem - they are too close to call at this stage of the campaign. Take a deep breath and you will feel much better.
Anonymous Dude or Dudette @ 3:07 --
I am breathing so easy you wouldn't believe it. Here's why:
Remember that we don't elect our President on a nationwide vote. (If we did, we'd be bidding adieu to President Gore this year after eight more years of peace & prosperity...aaah, if only.)
No, we elect on a state-by-state vote. And when you start looking at the statewide polls, you can see a landslide in the making.
Consider these numbers:
North Dakota -- George Bush won this state by 27 percentage points in 2004. Today, the polls show a virtual tie.
Virginia -- Bush won by almost 10 points in '04, now it's tied and leaning toward Obama.
Iowa -- Voted for Bush in 2004, now Obama leads by 15 points.
Pennsylvania -- Once again looks safely Blue despite all the hand-wringing about disgruntled Hillary voters. Obama leads by 5 points and its growing.
Based on nationwide state-by-state polls, if the election was held today Obama would be our next President by a margin of at least 64 electoral votes.
So you see, Anon, I'm feeling pretty good right now. But that doesn't mean we let up or slack off. There's still a lot of work to do between now and November 4.
But the party that night is going to be awesome!
montco pa dem..."I have no clue"?? -that seems to be your problem when it comes to montco politics - you hear only what you like, many young people are out there working to make this election happen (both Dem. & Rep.).
A great convention happened on both sides that we can all agree on.but Hil and Bill are not part of this scene now. She is a Senator and he a former Pres. They need to work with their party and not think they are the party.
Anon@3:24, old buddy, I'd like to take this chance to prove I'm not nearly as thin-skinned as the editor who runs the right-wing side of this Times-Herald adventure in tag-team blogging.
So since this is an old thread and GG has moved on to newer topics, I'd like to offer you (and anyone else so inclinced) a chance to tell me specifically just what it is that I'm clueless about when it comes to Montco politics.
Can't be my party -- since we're the majority now in Montgomery County and getting bigger every day.
Can't be my Presidential candidate -- he's got a lead here in PA and seems on his way to a landslide victory in November.
Can't be the newspaper I read -- even though I can be pretty harsh in my criticism of the TH, I'm on record as saying it's a vital part of our community. That's why I care, and why I keep posting here.
So tell me...just like my favorite Presidential candidate, I'm all ears.
Conventions are over and now we need to sift through what really matters - how they see their way of governing the US with the help of Congress for the next four (4) years and exactly what is needed. I need to hear more about the safety of the US, if there is an attack in less than a year of their taking office; guidance when it comes to education/banking and financing our way of life (not with credit cards) now and in the future. I really do not care too much about the Party the Candidate is representing because we have gotten some really bad apples in the past.
montco pa dem : It probably is your party and your candidate. The Times Herald certainly is not bias - in fact if you really read the whole paper you will see it is equally divided - except sometimes Margaret G goes on and on - give me a break.
Nobody has any idea who’s going to win the presidential election, an enormous problem for a country this impatient. Remember, this is the nation that switched to digital photography because it was tired of waiting an entire hour to find out how much fun it was having. Luckily, the recent conventions told us all we need to know about the future: John McCain will win. Why? Because he and his party are demonstrating a far greater grasp of the single most important responsibility a president has to the country: Lying to it.
Every constitutional scholar knows blatant lies are the foundation of our country. Take the Declaration of Independence’s claim that “all men are created equal,” which any single gal knows certainly isn’t the case. Ladies, back me up on this one. Franklin Roosevelt continued the tradition when he told America it had nothing to fear “but fear itself,” while knowing the 1930s were full of scary things, from poverty and Nazis to spiders and heights. In recent years, President Bush transformed lying into a science, constructing an entirely separate reality that he plans to live in when his term ends.
The Democratic Convention’s biggest disappointment was Barack Obama’s complete failure to convince anyone that he’s a regular joe, possibly the simplest lie in politics. Even babies can pull that one off. If he can’t tell us his opponent will sell New Jersey to terrorists or put a tax on sleeping, how can we trust him with the important business of deceiving America into wars, recessions, and believing we’re such a danger to ourselves that we must be watched at all times? That’s what presidents do!
John McCain, on the other hand, is a confident liar doing especially impressive work on taxes and Iraq. And Sarah Palin, who many feared would be a hopelessly honest yokel, has proven herself a pro at misrepresenting her past. They understand that the only effective way to govern Americans is to lie to them, not because we’re too stupid to grasp the big issues, but because we’re too busy to care. If we wanted the truth, we’d run for president ourselves. As we’re not, you can assume we want to be lied to, and convincingly, too. It’s possible another administration built on lies will cause us more trouble, but that doesn’t really worry me. After all, it’s not my fault. I was lied to.
McSame, aka Big Lie: "quote" from a poster...
Big Lie:
The Big Lie is a propaganda technique. It was defined by Adolf Hitler in his 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf as a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously".
Later, Joseph Goebbels put forth a slightly different theory which has come to be more commonly associated with the expression big lie. Goebbels wrote the following paragraph in an article dated 12 January 1941, 16 years after Hitler's first use of the phrase big lie, entitled "Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik," translated "From Churchill's Lie Factory." It was published in Die Zeit ohne Beispiel:
"That is of course rather painful for those involved. One should not as a rule reveal one's secrets, since one does not know if and when one may need them again. The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous."
The phrase was also used in a report prepared during the war by the United States Office of Strategic Services in describing Hitler's psychological profile:
"His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."
OK, Anon@10:55, so you can cut and paste from Wikipedia. Points for computer skills.
However you broke Godwin's Law
(also known as "Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies", per your source of choice, Wikipedia). So you lose.
There's no doubt that the McCain-Palin campaign has lied and lied and lied. And we can show all kinds of examples of that.
But the minute you start using the Nazi comparison, people are going to tune out, which is not going to help at all.
There's plenty of bad stuff to say about McCain-Palin without comparing them to Hitler and Goebbels.
For example, you can compare all the ways that McCain is the same as George Bush. Now that's a really scary (and accurate) analogy.
Yeah, Bill Clinton rocked the blouse - er, house.
The "E" Mails going around in the Northeast the last two weeks are that in October Biden will excuse himself from the ticket, citing health problems, and he will be replaced by Hillary and it is timed to occur after the VP Debate on 10/2. Check with the DNC... Gordy your Prayers are answered - second place is better than no-show. If this is true, we now have a GREAT RACE with two females running for the VP seat. Do you know the exact wording of the VP Job Description?? The fashion world will not be too pleased because they were trying to phase out the Pant Look.
Back again and out to Dinner with the "6 Pack". After traveling through Ohio, Conn. Mass. NH, RI and finally Maine, two of our group brought back info. on local feelings on the Pres./VP race. There seems to be a problem with a Female running for the VP seat (not the Party)in a few states. Town Meetings in the New England States are quite interesting but there was no clear answer when asked if they had definitely decided on the candidate they would vote for.
We spent some time in Mississippi with our relatives and co-workers that were transferred when the Company moved six years ago and I thought they would be very displeased with the current administration - but guess what?? Not So! Business is booming and workers are always in short supply. This company (Construction) does not hire non-citizens and maybe that is the cause of the shortage, but the pay is great. The people we talked to are going to back McCane and they also feel that the present administration had more going on from time go with the 9/11 and natural disasters then the former administration and handled them well. Interesting! The whole picture painted was entirely different than CNN's take. Away we go to November - and the winner is???
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