Same Old Song
As the miscalculated Iraqi War reveals (people dying daily since we "freed" them), throwing a blanket over all of Islam is a dangerous game (witness the protests around the world, even from Muslims who didn't previously have an anti-West sentiment).
We are in Afghanistan, in part, to free the masses of the clutches of the anti-west, terror-minded Taliban.
If the Taliban had a flag -- and I'm sure they do -- there would be no apology for burning it or turning into a role toilet paper.
Burning anything else Taliban related -- assuming it was not something needed to intelligence -- there would be nary a peep from the White House.
Burning the Koran is different. Obama knows it, and so does Gingrich.
Gingrich also knows how to sing a lullaby to his base; how to lead his choir in a nonsensical hymn.
For that, he should apologize.
Obama? I think the proof is in the pudding.
When it comes to dealing with radical Islam, he has made no apologies.