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Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Everybody Plays The Fool

It is said that it takes one to know one.

That is good news for me, but not good enough at this moment.

It is of only small comfort that I am not at the level of a carnival huckster working a booth at the recent fair – sponsored by firefighters – in the Eagleville section of Lower Providence Township.

All we have to show for our brief time there Saturday afternoon are three stuffed animals, which are probably worth a combined $15, and a few whirls for Sofia on a rickety carousel — that dripped oil on the kid in front of us — for $100.

When you go to a carnival, you expect to run into “carnies.” Encountering this nomadic tribe is part of the romanticism — kind of like a few weekends back at the Native American pow-wow at Temple University’s Ambler campus, where we were up close and personal with real live “indigenous peoples of the Americas.”

But I never before experienced the type of borderline panhandling from the gap-toothed and unwashed crowd from a company called Reithoffer Shows working the booths Saturday.

Like hookers at Frankford and Kensington avenues in Philadelphia, they called out to us as we passed.

“Hey, Dad, win the little girl a prize,” was a common sales pitch.

If you looked away, you were a snob.

“Come on, where are going?” they would shout.

If you looked back at them, you got reeled in.

Even as we passed the snack stand and peeked in to see what the “food” looked like, I was practically accosted by the guy there asking me what he could get me.

I suppose the rain during the first few days of the “fair” really put these guys behind in their projected sales “nuts,” which I guess is no different for any peddler — from a Saab salesman to an insurance hound to someone trying to get you pop a balloon with darts or a throw a basketball in a net that was about 18-feet high, and probably not even wide enough to hold the ball.

I was rooked into both activities — the basketball toss (I hit the rim and it still didn’t go in) that Lebron James probably couldn’t get on 100 tries and the balloon-pop (you can get a toy, no problem, but at a prohibitive cost) — and learned the hard way that carnivals are not what they used to be (a chance to pick up the type of girl you would meet at a carnival).

The biggest con job came when I thought I’d be clever and cut to the chase. I offered the guy at the balloon-popping concession $10, straight-up, for the stuffed wolf that reminded Sofia of our former dog, Sandy (don’t worry, she’s not dead, just with a family who doesn’t mind having their furniture chewed).

A minute later, after some fast double-talk, he had me playing the game for $10 and winning a ... smaller animal. I eventually got the wolf, but it wasn’t until walking away that I realized it took $30 (he never gave back the original $10 and took another $20 from me to keep “playing up”).

I suppose a fool and his money — i.e. the father of a daddy’s girl — are easily parted, but should a family be subjected to such a series of swindles during what was intended to be a happy little outing?

And should a local fire department be sponsoring an event that left us with such a sour taste in our mouths that my wife said it may be the last time we ever go to a carnival?


Anonymous ouch said...

I had the same experience this weekend but I will go back again. the kids like the rides. We stay away from the booths. Those guys are creepy.

June 8, 2009 at 1:22 PM 
Anonymous Frenchie said...

Ouch: I would not put my kids on those rickety rides if someone paid me a million bucks. There is really no reason to attend these things. Certainly not for the food.

June 9, 2009 at 9:22 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Creepy is correct. The need for dental health is very evident for the booth keepers. The whole fund raising for LP Fire Company is in need of revamping. Maybe small functions during the summer months that would draw the whole family - music and dancing, plus the famous pig roast (ug!), or Bingo. Move some of the activity from the Adm. Area of LP to the Fire Company Ground is another idea.

June 10, 2009 at 8:29 AM 
Anonymous Taproom Tom said...

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if some of these "Carnies" are behind the vandalism in Lower Providence recently.

June 10, 2009 at 9:14 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How funny that you mention carnies and hookers in the same opinion post. Danielle Cattie was both. Ran away from home and became an expert hustler at both professions.

June 11, 2009 at 9:40 AM 
Anonymous Bryan said...

What does Danielle Cattie have to do with this?
Carnivals have gone the way of the all-night burger stand.
Time to move on.

June 12, 2009 at 9:00 AM 
Anonymous Judge Judy said...

If you lay down with dogs, you are gonna get fleas.
My mamma said it and my mamma was right!

June 12, 2009 at 10:27 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were near Norristown, what did you expect? Is there a filthier place on earth thanthat dump?

June 12, 2009 at 8:16 PM 
Anonymous Stiff Eddie said...

Don't Lower Providence and the hot to trot Norritons pride themselves on being the anti-Norristowns?What Dannielle Cattie have to do with this? What does Norristown have to do with this?

June 14, 2009 at 10:14 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A fair should be more fair. no matter where it is. what else is there to say?

June 14, 2009 at 1:22 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that the fire department is to blame to sponsoring this event to begin with. They have to know who they are dealing with and who they are subjecting the public to.

June 18, 2009 at 7:49 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Danielle Cattie ran away from home and became a carnie and also sold herself before she was put in juvie hall. Just about everyone in the county knows about her and her crack dealer Fonzie who went to court with her. That's the point. And, no one is moving on when she had another drug dealer and a crack head testify that she is a good mother. The Cattie family adopted her and are ashamed of how she betrayed their trust. She really is a DelConte with a drug addict dad and a drunk mom and a bank robber brother who all are walking the streets while others are locked up for DWB, etc.

June 18, 2009 at 10:38 AM 
Anonymous Bryan said...

I still don't know what that has to do with Mr. Glantz's point about the fire company sponsoring a carnival that makes the people who go to it feel uneasy.

June 19, 2009 at 11:04 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It is of only small comfort that I am not at the level of a carnival huckster. Like hookers at Frankford and Kensington avenues in Philadelphia, they called out to us as we passed. The biggest con job. an event that left us with such a sour taste in our mouths that my wife said it may be the last time we ever go to a carnival?"

Bryan, what part of these sentences from Gordon's Opinion post did you miss? (copied above)

This is the same thing that the Citizens in Ambler and surrounding neighborhoods are feeling about Danielle Cattie and her criminal background and activities getting a smack on the hand, while she is back hanging at the bar instead of keeping an eye on her children. Wandering around in nasty outfits just like the hooker she is.

To think that the DA's office and the Judge were talking all stern and just let this former crack dealer off is just the usual way of doing business here and around the country. Two separate laws for different types of people.

June 24, 2009 at 2:01 PM 
Anonymous Bryan said...

Your personal axe to grind aside, it still doesn't connect here. He went to a carnival with his wife and daughter to have fun and the carnies acted badly and they left vowing not to return.
So Cattie worked for a carnie and you say she was a hooker. She wasn't working at this carnival.

June 25, 2009 at 10:40 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No personal axe to grind Brian, just the same old crap that they want to call justice around here, and the post mentions hookers and carnies who are basically lowlifes like Danielle Cattie who was adopted by the Catties who are embarrassed by her actions even though they took care to give her a good life and she messed up and messed up again, while the justice system let her off. There are a lot of people, like myself, who KNOW that this justice system sucks, just like the carnies and the hookers! We are sick of the slaps on the wrist that are given to people based on the color of their skin!

June 25, 2009 at 11:15 AM 
Anonymous Bryan said...

OK, but are we going to the carnival next June or not? Should the fire department try to do better by us?

June 26, 2009 at 1:30 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The move to the Fire Company Grounds is an excellent idea for many of the LP Township's activities. The location is great and it would bring outsiders in to help swell the croud.

June 26, 2009 at 2:51 PM 
Anonymous Ian said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

June 27, 2009 at 4:24 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Brian, the lowlife carnie ho couldn't keep herself out of jail. Just like I said. Justice is finally coming to carnie hoes!


Sex: F DOB: Feb 28, 1973
Height: 5 FEET Weight: 182 POUNDS
Race: WHITE Hair Color: BROWN
Hair Length: Eye Color: BROWN

Inmate Information:
Marital Status: State ID: 25078756
FBI: 664787FB9 INS:
Citizen: United States COB: United States

Incarceration Information:
Current Location: County: MONTGOMERY COUNTY
Current Housing Section: TH Current Housing Block: 7
Commitment Date: 06/27/2009 Release Date:

Alias Information:

Bond Information:
Type: Amount: $0.00 Status: Open Posted By: Post Date:

Detainer Information:
There is no detainer information for this inmate.

Charge Information:
Case # Description Grade Off Date Jurisdiction
9762-07 Probation Violation 06/26/2009
Comm Date Dis Date Conv Date Sent Date Sentence Sent Type
06/27/2009 0 Y, 0 M, 0 D

June 29, 2009 at 9:23 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bryan, I do believe you understand the situation when it comes to selecting the correct carnival attractions. Exactly what would have pleased your grandfather or even your father is now not acceptable. The great fire company of LP has also many great people that have great ideas - this would make the carnival a GREAT fund raiser. A full year to plan - use it wisely.

July 6, 2009 at 2:55 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wizard wrote on Jul 10, 2009 12:22 PM:
" IT's A joke they call each other the N word I hear it all the time and now a WHITE say's COLORED PEOPLE They don't like the COLOR of there own skin and every time they cry cry cry what a joke "

Report Abuse

Luther Sloan wrote on Jul 10, 2009 8:51 AM:
" I have to agree with the people who left the pool and helped management see they made a horrific mistake. If I paid good money to go to this club, I would not want to sit pool side next to west philly folk how were bused in. This is a high class country club, not an open hydrant in Darby. I would never come when these folk are here. Thanks for protecting the "complextion" of the pool. Too bad Upper Darby didn't try to protect to "complextion" of this neighborhood. Now its darker than a thunderstorm with more crime than Broad and Columbia Ave. "



July 10, 2009 at 9:49 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the TH addresses it's own bias reporting, then I will believe that there is really a concern expressed here about the racists at the private swim club that should lose everything in the upcoming suit. Your reporters have shown their bias in not reporting things said in court about poor wittle white crack addicts, while going overboard with untrue things about black people. Your friend, Danielle Cattie, was at a bar on Main street when the police came in and busted people, but for some reason let her go. She found her way to the Post where the police finally had to bust her. What is she? Special? Must be, when the court transcripts will show what your reporters failed to report!

July 14, 2009 at 7:31 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gordon- Everyone knows the Fireman's Fair is where the teenagers go to get high. It's been the same way since I was a little kid. My Dad took my sister and I once and that was enough. I was scared to death and never wanted to go back; not even in high school when my friends wanted to go. That place is disgusting and full of filth. Definitely not a place for children. Why does the Firehouse continue this low-class tradition??? Well, it is a part of LP that you just can't shake off ( literally! ). Sort of like the Republican BOS.

July 27, 2009 at 4:44 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Fair is a Fair where there is much to enjoy and some attractions to stay clear of. I enjoyed LP Fire Company's Fair, but Kimberton's Fair still has a lot going for it. Now is the time for all Fire Companies to take a look at what is good vs bad and make a good decision for the Company and all people attending.

August 2, 2009 at 11:31 AM 

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